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True Anthropomorphic Race


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Hai and sorry if I'm out on ice here, and I dunno about unique new characters in the game but there's a mod at works that fixes the legs/feet on Khajiits and Argonians to digitigrade instead of plantigrade! The mod is called ''Unique Beast Races'' and was left dead until someone picked it up again! They could use some support over there if anyone knows anything about modding :3

Here's some new update pics from an alpha test:

Sneaky lizard thing
Such a cutie lizard! :3
Taking aim!
Ancient art
2560x1440 wallpaper 1
2560x1440 wallpaper 2

Get over to this thread and take a look on the progress :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Who needs an "excuse" for playing the game the way he or she wants?


What 'I' do with people complaining about things not being 'lore friendly'

(whereas lore as a constant is something non-existant in TES games anyways)

is 1) I pity them, 2) I ignore them.


I create what I want to create, and I use what I want to use in 'my' game, NOT what 'they' want.

And I for one don't feel the slightest need to even remotely care about what people do in 'their' games.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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  • 3 weeks later...

There's already two anthro races! You know how many most settings have? Zero! We're lucky to have the two we already have.


In a way, there's four true races in Elder Scrolls, playable anyways. Human, Elf, Khajiit, Argonian. That's two of four. Everything else is a variant of humans and elves. So half of the four true races in the game are anthro.


Not to mention this idea isn't really lore friendly in the least... but we've already had a topic like this.


Just... in my personal opinion, the notion that there aren't enough anthropomorphic races in TES couldn't be more flawed, and I'm a big fan of the beast races.


...And if you really want to play as wolf people, you know the game already has werewolves in it, right?


You could add more races or breeds of Khajiit and Argonian, although that won't be entirely the same as adding more Anthropomorphic races. But the Lilmophiits of the Black Marsh, the fox people related to the Kitty Khajiits would be a good bonus plus the Tiger people of Akavir would be great as well.

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>tilt head side< Wolf races can be made into lore rather easily by applying the concpt of canine taxonomy: foxes and wolves are close cousins from either a creationary or evolutionary standpoint. >head straight, ears up< Therefor the easiest way I can think of to satisfy the lore sticklers is to say that the wolf race is a breed of Lilmothit adapted to Skyrim's harsh climate by whatever means, becoming larger, faster, thicker fur, etc. >left ear down< Those who don't care about the lore will not read it anyway, so no harm done there. >ears up< I honestly am taking a page from 'Skyrim Khajit' (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29138), but the concept still works.

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>head straight ears forward<I admit that this would be my first mod, but I do have some experience with Blender, and would like to take the wolf idea on (it being closest to me and all). If I could get some help regarding how to mod skyrim I would greatly appreciate it.


I need to know the following;


how to access the base skeleton and body for the beast races for editing, will use custom head, legs, and hands, but would like to keep upper body and some of the basic torso

how to convert the skeleton, model and animations for default or XPMS skeleton to one that is blender compatible so I can edit it for digitigrade feet

How to convert them back so I can use them

weighting options for skyrim compatibility


how to use NifScope or whether or not I really need it


Textures. I can use GIMP, but I am not a pixel artist. If I could get someone to paint starter textures over UV maps+AO, I would be very appreciative



I could use definite help in the following areas as I have no prior experience whatsoever in them;


Coding for Skyrim. How do I even begin to add a character to Skyrim's roster? How do I disabe the boot slot until I can start adding greaves to replace boots?


Voice acting. I do not want to use cat-person voices for wolves, it does not fit well at all, and I would like to be able to put the character into the game with as few seams as possible, so dialogue from other characters would be nice also (that way I won't have to have the character yelling 'werewolf! Kill the monster!' every time he talks to you). I do not have a studio, and my living environment is not well suited for recording, so definite help needed here.


Mod and DLC compatibility; My current build of skyrim is 1.9.32 or something like that, but I am running WITHOUT DLC. would like those with DLCs to still be able to use the mod.



Votes please; default skeleton, or XPMS, or other? Would also like to use the Immersive Animations mod, but still debating that.


I am starting to get a bit excited about this. will start concept models when I get home.

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>head straight ears forward<I admit that this would be my first mod, but I do have some experience with Blender, and would like to take the wolf idea on (it being closest to me and all). If I could get some help regarding how to mod skyrim I would greatly appreciate it.


I need to know the following;


how to access the base skeleton and body for the beast races for editing, will use custom head, legs, and hands, but would like to keep upper body and some of the basic torso

how to convert the skeleton, model and animations for default or XPMS skeleton to one that is blender compatible so I can edit it for digitigrade feet

How to convert them back so I can use them

weighting options for skyrim compatibility


how to use NifScope or whether or not I really need it


Textures. I can use GIMP, but I am not a pixel artist. If I could get someone to paint starter textures over UV maps+AO, I would be very appreciative



I could use definite help in the following areas as I have no prior experience whatsoever in them;


Coding for Skyrim. How do I even begin to add a character to Skyrim's roster? How do I disabe the boot slot until I can start adding greaves to replace boots?


Voice acting. I do not want to use cat-person voices for wolves, it does not fit well at all, and I would like to be able to put the character into the game with as few seams as possible, so dialogue from other characters would be nice also (that way I won't have to have the character yelling 'werewolf! Kill the monster!' every time he talks to you). I do not have a studio, and my living environment is not well suited for recording, so definite help needed here.


Mod and DLC compatibility; My current build of skyrim is 1.9.32 or something like that, but I am running WITHOUT DLC. would like those with DLCs to still be able to use the mod.



Votes please; default skeleton, or XPMS, or other? Would also like to use the Immersive Animations mod, but still debating that.


I am starting to get a bit excited about this. will start concept models when I get home.


We are working on Unique Beast Races, it will enhance Beast Races and it will give them digitigrade legs.


It will not use a new skeleton, so it will be fully compatible with custom skeletons. When the mod it's done, if you want you can the resources to create your new race! Feet from Khajiits will work great, just make toes more wolf-like. Resting work is left to you... Like creating a new head mesh.

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>ears up< Thanks Derok. This is only my third project usin blender, and the first mod on anything that I am planning to add to a website, so I admit to being a little nervous. Before I can do much though, I need a way into skyrim's models so I can edit them. I also would like to know how to place pictures in the forums. . . they never seem to work for me.

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