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[ANNOUNCEMENT] Scrap-able Weapon Mods - Vanilla Weapons Complete!


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I've just completed Phase I of my mod, 'Scrapable Mods' http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16178/?


A relatively simple but insanely time consuming project, this currently allows you to scrap unequipped weapon mods in workshop mode or while crafting, like junk.

I'm currently working on Automatron and Far Harbour support to do the same, followed by Power Armour and Armour mods.


Compatible with most (if not all!) mods that affect weapon and armour mods, since I don't touch the mods themselves!



Automatron Robot Mods are now scrap-able!



Any feedback or ideas would be appreciated!



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I havn't found any bugs, but I'm terrified of what happens if I lose my copy of this mod


Back it up on a Thumb Drive or CD / DVD .. or a different Directory on your Harddrive. Then you will not loose it. :)

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I havn't found any bugs, but I'm terrified of what happens if I lose my copy of this mod


I am paranoid about PC crashes, having had my share. To avoid that now I am using a local storage approach as the internet and cloud storage don't seem to be available when I need them. I have two separate 4 TB hard drives. Those are probably overkill as smaller would certainly work. During the day, one drive is connected to the PC and I occasionally save small items to the drive. At least once during the day I do mass copy to the drive from C: (Documents, Downloads,Videos, and related personal stuff) minus the actual operating system plus all of my D: drive, which contains all the programs. That comes to about 300 GB right now.


At night, I unplug that drive to prevent it being corrupted, and then connect the second one. The second drive is used to create a Windows 10 System Image Backup. It copies the entire machine, operating system and all to the external drive as a single file. So in the event of a system crash, it can all be recovered quickly. There are several videos on Youtube describing that backup process. This is all done through the operating system without any additional backup software. The next morning that drive is disconnected and the other replaces it.


You could actually have about for or six smaller drives or sticks; rotate through them each week, so there is always something as safe as you can reasonably expect.

Edited by UhlanB76
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