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Re-spawning "Calynd" stones.


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Recently I've come across a mod that adds red welkynd stones that serve to restore health as opposed to magicka. Now I know that there is a mod that allows for the re-spawning of the default stones, however there isn't one for these modded ones in particular.


Here's a reference link: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/39549/?


My request is for someone to create a mod that allows for the re-spawning of welkynd, varla and calynd stones. Any help on this would be great.

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I've checked the script, yeah that mod should do

the varla and welkynd stone will be respawn, in 28 & 14 days

but .... the problem is that script only applied to player

if the player that pickup varla / welkynd then that mod work as intended

but if the bandit or something else that pick up the varla / welkynd

the welkynd stone will be gone forever just like the original (I don't know if NPC will pick it up anyway)

for Calynd stone and red welkynd ... you could just attach the same script that Khettienna used for varla & green welkynd

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the NPCs wont use it as you're not actually picking the stones up. They've been replaced by activators (which I assume add the stone to the PC's inventory, then probably disable themselves), so NPCs wouldn't realise to use them

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the script clearly said this

Begin OnActivate Player

the filter is player

it means only player that can activate this disable script

if we don;t want to lose the varla and green welkynd

the script should be like this

ScriptName KhetRVWSVarlaActScript

short StartDay
ref executor

Begin OnActivate

	Let executor := GetActionRef

	if executor.GetIsReference PlayerRef
		Message " "
		Message " "
		Player.AddItem VarlaStone 1
		PlaySound ITMGenericUp
		executor.AddItem VarlaStone 1
	Set StartDay to GameDaysPassed


Begin GameMode

	If ( GameDaysPassed - StartDay ) >= 28 && GetDisabled == 1

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"for Calynd stone and red welkynd ... you could just attach the same script that Khettienna used for varla & green welkynd."


@LubronBrons That is beyond my ability to as I've never done any sort of script modding, or mod altering in general. I've a good feeling that i'll end up more than likely breaking things than actually being able to accommodate my request with any degree of success. Although if you aren't too busy, can you create the files for me? I'd really appreciate it if you could.

Edited by ArcturusFyr
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EDIT : @cfh85 ahhh you're right, my mistake. while I am tinkering and building new mod for this 3 stones, I realize that Khettienna use activator and hide the original to the edge of the cell. so If the NPCs activate the fake Varla or Welkynd, they will do nothing to it. I recall there is mod that make NPC will pick up or harvest nearby object, I think the mod is MMM. but we are talking about activator here

well .... since this is direct request and I have free time

here you go, this is for you fyr >>> https://www.mediafire.com/?ro4ch8o5rvicx27

I revise the code and streamlined it, and copied the red welkynd location from original author

all the stones is respawn. and you NOT need to be afraid if the stones is picked up by the wrong hand (NPCs)

you think wait 28 and 14 days is too harsh ?? I've already prepared file INI for you to customize :smile:

tell me if it is working or not

any nice feedback would be great, would be happy to receive any appreciation too

also I prefer you should just call me L

Edited by lubronbrons
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EDIT : @cfh85 ahhh you're right, my mistake. while I am tinkering and building new mod for this 3 stones, I realize that Khettienna use activator and hide the original to the edge of the cell. so If the NPCs activate the fake Varla or Welkynd, they will do nothing to it. I recall there is mod that make NPC will pick up or harvest nearby object, I think the mod is MMM. but we are talking about activator here
well .... since this is direct request and I have free time
here you go, this is for you fyr >>> https://www.mediafire.com/?ro4ch8o5rvicx27
I revise the code and streamlined it, and copied the red welkynd location from original author
all the stones is respawn. and you NOT need to be afraid if the stones is picked up by the wrong hand (NPCs)
you think wait 28 and 14 days is too harsh ?? I've already prepared file INI for you to customize :smile:
tell me if it is working or not
any nice feedback would be great, would be happy to receive any appreciation too
also I prefer you should just call me L


Ha ha ha ha! Yes, finally! Thank you so much! I really appreciate this, because despite the calynd stone mod being small and otherwise unknown it was just one of those things that definitely would've made my game experience click together and be all the more better for it. Furthermore, I love the fact that you took the liberty in adding the extra effort to make the mod more utilitarian and full-proof against issues that it may have had before.


Oh and L, have an endorsement, you certainly deserve it. :D

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well... I knew this is a risky one,

that 'liberty' is limited :)

before we NOT try to ask permission from two original authors aren't we ? So....

since you gave me feedback just now. Then I assumed this file is delivered safely to you, fyr

I've removed the file in that link

in small scale use, this case can be labeled as personal use.


the pleasure is mine, don't mind. Actually I have this skill is because of certain someone, Master Forli (author of Vampire Revolution)

I am just try to share or tribute what this Nexus community has given to me

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well... I knew this is a risky one,

that 'liberty' is limited :smile:

before we NOT try to ask permission from two original authors aren't we ? So....

since you gave me feedback just now. Then I assumed this file is delivered safely to you, fyr

I've removed the file in that link

in small scale use, this case can be labeled as personal use.


the pleasure is mine, don't mind. Actually I have this skill is because of certain someone, Master Forli (author of Vampire Revolution)

I am just try to share or tribute what this Nexus community has given to me

Again, thank you. This made my day. :D

Edited by ArcturusFyr
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