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Grass makes my computer go into 2 fps! Is this fixable?


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I have an Evga 256 8600 GT video card. It runs oblivion on "Ultra High" without any difficulties (20-40 fps), but when i fight someone on the grass, it goes to 2 or 3 fps. Much worse when fighting with 2 or more enemies. This leads to 1 frame per 1.5 sec. Pretty brutal the grass could be.


What's the problem? Is it because my video card is too weak? or is it because my processor sucks (AMD anthlon 3800 2.4 Ghz, single core)?

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It is a little difficult for me to think clearly at the moment, but keep in mind that a big buff video card is not everything, your CPU also plays a large part in your gaming as does your memory. If you are into using mods, maybe try one of the low-poly grass mods. Your best bet, however, might be just to go into the options menu and turn the grass off completely.
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