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Everything posted by tony007

  1. Yeah, i did that. Didn't help much. I can't delete anything on that list since it's a "Deatails" list. So I would have to sought out all the dungeons and items that i don't need for the mod and delete it. I was trying to actually copy what makes the arrows do what they do, but didn't work. probably i missed something. I'm not a good modder. I was hoping someone could help...so hence this thread.
  2. I've found that this mod: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10740 Is the only one that has any explosion-on-impact effects for arrows. The thing is, i don't want all those dungeons and stuff. I just want the scripts that make this explosion-on-impact effect. If anyone can, can you isolate the scripts or files that are responsible for doing this? Send it to me, there won't be any redistribution. I'm just not good enough to isolate it. If, however, you have a whole new mod, then post it. I'd be glad if you did.
  3. Ok, I have made a new skill, here are the scripts: #include "log_h" #include "abi_templates" #include "ability_h" const int ABILITY_EXAMPLE = 10999995; const float INCREASE_IN_ATTACK_SPEED = -0.3f; const float INCREASE_IN_RANGED_AIM_SPEED = -2.0f; const float INCREASE_IN_MELEE_CRIT = 80.0f; const float INCREASE_IN_RANGED_CRIT = 80.0f; const float INCREASE_IN_MOVEMENT_SPEED = 1.5f; // add effects void _ActivateModalAbility(struct EventSpellScriptImpactStruct stEvent) { // effects effect eEffect; effect[] eEffects; int bPartywide = FALSE; int nVfx = Ability_GetImpactObjectVfxId(stEvent.nAbility); // Remove any previously existing effects from same spellid to avoid stacking Ability_PreventAbilityEffectStacking(stEvent.oTarget, stEvent.oCaster, stEvent.nAbility); switch (stEvent.nAbility) { case ABILITY_EXAMPLE: { //Apply the desired effect - in this case an increas in attack speed eEffects[0] = EffectModifyProperty(PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_ATTACK_SPEED_MODIFIER, INCREASE_IN_ATTACK_SPEED); eEffects[1] = EffectModifyProperty(PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_RANGED_AIM_SPEED, INCREASE_IN_RANGED_AIM_SPEED); eEffects[2] = EffectModifyProperty(PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_MELEE_CRIT_MODIFIER, INCREASE_IN_MELEE_CRIT); eEffects[3] = EffectModifyProperty(PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_RANGED_CRIT_MODIFIER, INCREASE_IN_RANGED_CRIT); eEffects[4] = EffectModifyMovementSpeed(INCREASE_IN_MOVEMENT_SPEED); DisplayFloatyMessage(stEvent.oCaster, "Maximum Power", FLOATY_MESSAGE, 15040064, 5.0); // activation vfx Ability_ApplyObjectImpactVFX(stEvent.nAbility, stEvent.oCaster); break; } } Ability_ApplyUpkeepEffects(stEvent.oCaster, stEvent.nAbility, eEffects, stEvent.oTarget, bPartywide); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Tell the targeted creature that it has been cast at //------------------------------------------------------------------ SendEventOnCastAt(stEvent.oTarget,stEvent.oCaster, stEvent.nAbility, FALSE); } // remove effects void _DeactivateModalAbility(object oCaster, int nAbility) { DisplayFloatyMessage(oCaster, "Maximum Power Disabled", FLOATY_MESSAGE, 15040064, 5.0); // remove effects Effects_RemoveUpkeepEffect(oCaster, nAbility); } void main() { event ev = GetCurrentEvent(); int nEventType = GetEventType(ev); switch(nEventType) { case EVENT_TYPE_SPELLSCRIPT_PENDING: { // hand through Ability_SetSpellscriptPendingEventResult(COMMAND_RESULT_SUCCESS); break; } case EVENT_TYPE_SPELLSCRIPT_CAST: { // Get a structure with the event parameters struct EventSpellScriptCastStruct stEvent = Events_GetEventSpellScriptCastParameters(ev); // we just hand this through to cast_impact SetAbilityResult(stEvent.oCaster, stEvent.nResistanceCheckResult); break; } case EVENT_TYPE_SPELLSCRIPT_IMPACT: { // Get a structure with the event parameters struct EventSpellScriptImpactStruct stEvent = Events_GetEventSpellScriptImpactParameters(ev); // Remove any previously existing effects from same spellid to avoid stacking Ability_PreventAbilityEffectStacking(stEvent.oTarget, stEvent.oCaster, stEvent.nAbility); // activate ability _ActivateModalAbility(stEvent); break; } case EVENT_TYPE_SPELLSCRIPT_DEACTIVATE: { // Get a structure with the event parameters struct EventSpellScriptDeactivateStruct stEvent = Events_GetEventSpellScriptDeactivateParameters(ev); // is ability active? if (IsModalAbilityActive(stEvent.oCaster, stEvent.nAbility) == TRUE) { _DeactivateModalAbility(stEvent.oCaster, stEvent.nAbility); } // Setting Return Value (abort means we aborted the ability) Ability_SetSpellscriptPendingEventResult(COMMAND_RESULT_INVALID); break; } } } Problem is, the effect icon doesn't show up as a "positive' effect icon. It's RED borderlined and the icon itself is grayed out. here's what i mean: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/imageshare/i...-1259039510.jpg http://www.dragonagenexus.com/imageshare/i...-1259039587.jpg http://www.dragonagenexus.com/imageshare/i...-1259088007.jpg I have done some troubleshooting and have located that how the effect icon appears is being controlled by the SCRIPTS, not the .xls files. So far, i have not been able to locate this script file. There's SOMETHING in the talent_modal.ncs file (or the #include files, or some other file) that sets the icon. I hope someone can help.
  4. It'd be fun to do this. I have an idea of how to do this, but so far, I'm not allowed to mod files that belong to the Single Player resource. If i do, my game will die and i will need to reinstall. So, my idea is you can set the "MAKE_LOVE" Plot flag for the romance character in the "Plot" section of the pallette window to say yes for "Repeatable." Other than that, i don't know much because i don't know how to mod the conversations.
  5. The quest Fazzil's Request is obtained from the Denerim Market District Chantry Board once you have the Alienage unlocked. The quests asks you to find a "sextant." Well, instead of approaching the Chantry Board to receive the quest, i got the sextant first, so i kinda did the quest in reverse. Now, when i go back to the Chantry Board, the board says the quest is already accepted and stamped. I tried to talk to the chanter Rosamund, but she wouldn't say anything to me. She doesn't interact with me in a conversation. How am i supposed to finish the quest?
  6. I don't see how the console could mess this up. I just used it to add xp that's all. There's no harmful effects for using the console as far as i know. And this bugginess in rune slots is beyond the harm that the console can do I'm sure. Let me explain (i just found this out): The rune slots, for me anyway, appear at different times. For example, there could be no enchant slots for an axe while i play today, and 2 days later (or the next time i start the game after exiting), the rune slots are there. Heh, This is what i call programming glitch. I'm going to go "mod" language on you. If you're not a modder, try your best to understand, if you are, read with ease. The variables in materialtypes.xls state SPECIFICALLY how many rune slots there OUGHT to be in a certain weapon made of a certain material. Why the game alternates between showing the enchantment slots are not, i do not know. It could be a bug in some codes or files that i haven't found yet. Furthermore, I found out that while i was trying to make myself a new sword that if you want runes to be added to your weapon you must go to the “Variables” section under the “Attributes” tab. Where it says ITEM_RUNE_ENABLED, fix the “value” (not the “default”) to 1, which in binary terms, says, “Yes, rune slots enabled." Well you see, I've checked pretty much every weapons in the game and the ITEM_RUNE_ENABLED values are all set to 0, which would mean the weapons "RUNE" slots are disabled. So there must be another way for the game to "understand" that the rune slots are supposed to be on. Where this other way is, i do not know. Perhaps it could be in an .xls file, perhaps something else, but the only sureshot to telling the game that rune slots MUST be enabled for a certain weapon is to set ITEM_RUNE_ENABLED to 1. But if you even touch the "Single Player" database, the whole game is screwed. So i guess we'll have to live with this bug until a patch comes or until we find this "other way." Correct me if i'm wrong.
  7. I used the console command "runscript addxp 500000" to get my level 25.
  8. Is Bioware stupid? Oh, wait, they are, they're from EA, what ya expect? Anyway, they say in the loading screen tips that dragonbone is "magical" or something and it can hold more runes than other weapons. Heck, I don't see a difference between dragonbone and iron weapons in rune slots. Well, probably programing error? Or pure stupidity by Bioware? The ONLY dragonbone weapons that have enchantment slots are those from the Warden's Keep weapons/armor merchant. Ok, I'm a moderate modder, and i can understand that dragonbone weapons are supposed to have 3 enchantment slots. If you don't know how to mod, I'd advise you not to read ahead and do as much as you can to help me in your power. Still, if you feel a little adventurous, go ahead and read. If you are a modder, read on with ease and help me if you can. Why must dragonbone weapons have 3 enchant slots, here's the answer (must have Dragon Age Toolset installed): Go look in C:\Program Files\Dragon Age\tools\Source\2DA\rules and open the file BITM_base.xls. In there, there are variable tabs. by Default, you should land at the second tab, "ItemStats." The tab before it, "BITM_Base" has the rune slot stuff. Once you're at the "BITM_Base" tab, Ctrl+F and search for "RuneCount." it's a subtitle. Below it, you should see a bunch of 0's and -100's. Here's what the comment says: Jacques Lebrun: Base number of runes. note that 0 and even negative numbers can be increased into positive by the material types, so we use a rather large negative number to prevent runes on most items Ok, you understand now. Exit the file and open "materialtypes." In there, search for "RuneCount." And as you see, Dragonbone is set to 3, which means it's 0(from the BITM_Base)+3(modifier from material type)=3, therefore ALL dragonbone weapons are supposed to have 3 enchantment slots.
  9. Why do like 5% of all the weapons in the game have enchantment slots????
  10. Really, i don't play as girls in games because...well, guys are more fit to wield a sword, no offense. But i really want to see huge plate armor with awesome-looking, buff shoulders like the plate armor in Dragon Age Origins (if you play the game you should know). I just want some shiny, big, awesome (knight-like) armor. After almost a year of not playing Oblivion, i've seen armor mods take a turn for the "sexy" not the "strong and awesome." I really want to have armor for males that make them look overpowering and shiny (not like dark, shadowy armor, not that's bad. I've seen this alot for male armor). Have there been such armors made since my absence till now?
  11. Can you find me swords like these? http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13573 What i mean are swords that have a blade of a different form (be it fire, crystal, light, glass, lighting, etc. [not metal]) than what its hilt is made of (which is usually metal). I tried the lightsabers but they messed up my sounds so bad, i had to waste 30 minutes reinstalling and redownloading all my default mods. I hope people don't overlook my post because a thread this big, things like that could happen easily.
  12. Travel on the whole Tamriel continent. Staggering more when hit or more emphasis on battles to make each battle an epic fight. Headshot with arrows (except with helmets). Weapon animations more liquid (meaning weapons don't move as fast as your screen moves, lagging behind some to show the weapon's weight) instead of solid slash right, slash left, slash right again, etc... Boast animations or just plain, fun animations like in most MMORPG games. Like dancing, laughing, etc... Impacts, scourges, scratches on objects and people. Cutscenes where you can control what to do. Wayyyyy better physics. Bodies and items seem to float in the air in Oblivion. Some items that are SUPPOSED to be heavy, as in 100 lbs, are like 5 ounces in the game.
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