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Guide: how to give merchants more trading money


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I had lots of trouble trying to unload all my junk on merchants while they're limited to like 1200 or so gold so I found this and wanted to share it,


1. Standing in front of a merchant, press ~ to open the console.

2. Select the merchant with your mouse (a number will appear in the middle of your screen).

3. Type: additem 0000000F (number), where (number) is the amount of gold you want to add.

4. Press ~ to exit console.

5. Trade! :)

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Basically what you are doing is adding gold to the vendors inventory, the 0's are not necessary but they won't break the command either. they act like significant figures, they only count if there is something before them. I am not sure if vendors are scripted to actually be willing to trade more than a game determined amoutn of gold, a better thign to do would just give yourself the gold directly or if you are really gonna console, set your speech to 100 and invest in soem of the perks.
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