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Eltonbrand (and related quest) for Oblivion?


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This might set some kind of record for obvious requests, but a search yielded nothing. Has anyone done a Goldbrand-upgrade-to-Eltonbrand quest and weapon (from Morrowind) for Oblivion? Goldbrand is our usual weapon of choice but its textures (especially handle) are pretty generic compared to Eltonbrand's. IMO it would be very cool to use the same or a similar design in the mod imo.


Apologies in advance if this has already been done once or 100 times. We did look. We're interested in a specific mod for this purpose instead of larger mods that might include it.



Edited by TheMastersSon
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Thanks very much. We've been searching for weeks and within 10 minutes after posting we found this:




It's Eltonbrand for Oblivion, without (apparently, haven't tried it yet) a related quest, which is close enough for us. :smile:


We've been away from here for a while and also noticed many files are disabled. What's up with that? Either make content accessible or take it down for pete's sake. Not sure what the point is of telling people all about mods and then not allowing them to be downloaded. :smile:

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