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Main Quest Line Bug HELP PLEASE *possible small spoilers*


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So I'm working on the main quest line, and I'm at the part where I need to go to Alduin's wall. I tell Esburn to meet me there, and I start traveling. When I get there I have to fight an elder dragon outside, I really didn't know what to expect from it, so I quick got inside the "spire" place. I killed all the bandits there, and solved the puzzles. I realized then that the two followers hadn't followed me back in yet. So I went out, slayed the dragon, and found them. They followed me in, and ran right to the huge stone face to enter the temple. I opened it up, and as I walked in, the 2 npcs ran ALL the way back to where the first puzzle was. I realized my mistake right away, and opened up my "load" menu. None of my auto-saves were from AFTER I solved the puzzles.... and I saved when I got to the stone face because I forgot my npc's weren't with me...


My closest save is probably 15 hours of solid gameplay backwards... I really don't want to have to start over from there. PLEASE, any help would be much appreciated.

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  • 9 months later...

I'd be interested to hear what Bethesda says about this. I've noticed that this part of the main quest is buggy as all git-out, mostly with Delphine and Esbern stalling and apparently forgetting what they're supposed to be doing. In your case, though, they did what they were supposed to be doing. The dragon is a scripted event and the battle can be epic, with you, the two Blades, any companions you might have along, a dragon, and a large camp of Forsworn (don't forget the nearby Hagraven), in a battle royale. You missed a lot of fun by running away like a little girl.


Seriously, putting the mirth aside, Delphine and Esbern stayed behind and fought the dragon like they were supposed to. I'm not sure how you can go about fixing this and I feel your pain. I've had similar situations where I had to dump 10+ hours of play because of bugged game saves, and it's not fun at all. It might be your only solution, though. Live and learn, I guess.

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Here's a trick I learned for that quest, there are two markers for that quest location, I find if you discover them first and clear out the skyhaven cave of the three forsworn and then do the two bridges and go to where the blood seal is to open the face door that well leave skyhaven temple as discovered and you'll fast travel either inside to where the blood seal is or inside the cave afterwards and the two blades well be waiting at the blood seal when you choose from the Sleeping Giant Inn to meet them there, no worries about them getting confused or slowing thing's down!..


As for when they get inside the skyhaven after the face door is open, that is a very narrow stair case and Esbern or delphine light the round light containers on there way through the temple and, I just go on ahead of them and stand on the highest part of the table and look at the wall and put my laptop on the TV dinner table and get a drink and see a man about a horse if needed :biggrin: :thumbsup: and by the time I return there ready to talk to me!..

Edited by sinnerman69
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Bite the bullet. Go back those 15 hours and play from there - It's your fault for not making any saves so don't blame Beth for that. Yes, it is a pain. And I have had to go back several hours and even restart the entire game after several days of playing. Hopefully you learned from this - Save often. Then if you are not sure, save again. Those 3 auto saves they give you may be what causes much of this type of problem - you just feel overconfident because of them.


Make a permanent save every time you start something new - then save every time you start on a puzzle - then save every time you complete part of a puzzle or finish a difficult task or battle. I Haven't found a limit to the saves you are allowed yet.


When you start, make your first permanent save just after leaving the cave after Helgen. Preferably with no mods - at that time, make a back up of your data folder also. That can be the ultimate fall back -That data backup and save can save you from having to do a full reinstall when your game is otherwise totally borked.

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What bben says is good advice and is something people who play this game long enough eventually figure out, themselves. Don't rely upon autosaves or quicksaves. You might look into this mod:


Save Hot Key ArchMod - for SKSE


It hotkeys your save to F11, so that it's as painless as a quicksave, but creates a permanent save, instead. I typically save before and after every engagement, before fast-travel, and before making any transition from one cell to another (i.e., where you have to go through a loading door). I'll also save before doing anything at all that is risky, like picking a pocket or attempting a stealth kill against a boss. You can't be too careful, and you can always clear out older saves.


There is an automatic save mod that will make permanent saves every five minutes by default, although this is configurable. Krosis. I cannot remember its name.

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