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Change NPC clothes.


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The NPC's default clothes seem to be linked to them somehow. They aren't just wearing them.


If you go into the console, select the NPC you want and type: "addtofaction 0005C84D 0" you can make anyone into a follower which is kind of cool. You can then trade items with them. They'll equip the best weapons you give them but not armor or clothes, which is disappointing. Still it's a step in the right direction, and hopefully someone can come up with a way to sever the link between the NPC's and their default clothes.

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bump, i too would like to know



Got it! Once you've added what you want them to wear to their inventory, use "showinventory" on them in the console and the just type "equipitem X" with X being the Item's ID. Simples!




This does not work, if you look at their inventory with "showinventory" they have several items which are bound as "outfits". when you leave the house and come back in, they will switch back to this outfit, if the outfit is removed, they will go naked. There is no known command to edit the outfit status. Now my wife walks around the house naked.

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  • 2 weeks later...

bump, i too would like to know



Got it! Once you've added what you want them to wear to their inventory, use "showinventory" on them in the console and the just type "equipitem X" with X being the Item's ID. Simples!




This does not work, if you look at their inventory with "showinventory" they have several items which are bound as "outfits". when you leave the house and come back in, they will switch back to this outfit, if the outfit is removed, they will go naked. There is no known command to edit the outfit status. Now my wife walks around the house naked.


What I found that seems to work is that you need to add the item you want them to wear, equip it on them, steal or remove the old item via console, and then sleep and then items seem to stay beyond leaving and re-entering.

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  • 2 months later...

What's definetly working is putting the armory status to permanent .. e.g.: additem 000f8715 .... equipitem 000f8715 1

the last number represents the lasting status if u dont type in a number then its adjusted to 0 = nonpermanent 1 = permanent

Edited by Havanna
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  • 1 year later...

What's definetly working is putting the armory status to permanent .. e.g.: additem 000f8715 .... equipitem 000f8715 1

the last number represents the lasting status if u dont type in a number then its adjusted to 0 = nonpermanent 1 = permanent


nope does not work, atleast not on followers, spouses and housecarls

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  • 8 months later...

Any other suggestions? I use UFO and the outfit always reverts when combat ends. Highly annoying to have my rich follower wearing his old begger outfit.... then suddenly back into his regal caster gear. Staying true to his roots I guess?

I can use the Creation Kit, but that is highly game breaking if wanting to change outfits on a regular basis.

Is there a command to delete the game outfit, force the NPC to equip the new outfit, AND have the NPC not take their clothes off upon a new load screen? I can remove it, force equip, but no way to force the new gear to be considered an outfit...

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