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Kia Ora


Does anybody know of or come across ant modders resource's that can be used to make round house's


I know there towers that would work for the base but I have not seen any cone like models that could be textured

to form the Sraw roofs and I not sure how to export such roofs fron Oblivion or even if it ok to do with modder made

resourses from Oblivion, Modders like Meo made some realy neat stuff but I'd like to see him release his work and or

have his blessing to go with those items.


I'm looking for resourse's but I DO want to do this the right way anf ot offend or cross anybody

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3D modelling

Skill level: Intermediate and learning

Software used: Blender 2.61

Contact: Nexus PM



Skill level: Intermediate and learning

Software used: GIMP 2.6

Contact: Nexus PM



Skill level: Novice - Beginner

Software used: CK (Ya Rly!)

Contact: Nexus PM


References / Recent works

1. Modding resource: URW - Useless Resource - Weapons


Should give a decent impression about my modelling and texturing skills.


2. Mod: Dragonclaw Weaponry


Required some basic work in the CK, pretty much shows my current abilities with the CK


Side notes

I'm usually rather short on time, so my skills are probably used best on a freelance basis; Doing occasional models and textures for a larger mod shouldn't be a problem, but i prefer smaller mods.

Long term assignments are less suited for me, due to the lack of time and my ability to retain focus on a single task.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Do you think you could add a separate section for people good at world-building, and city building? It's a PITB, and I need someone to make 2 different world cells if I want to make any real progress on this mod I want to make. Just a thought. I'm trying to get a decent team together before I just rush into this mod, and a team of people experienced with the really hard stuff only makes the mod go through quicker progress. TY.


My Mod Idea Thread


EDIT: I see it's already been made. LOL.

Edited by BeastlyBeast
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Talent: Scripting

Skill level: Medium

Contact: PM please.


I have no completed works to show off, but I do have a working basic needs mod (hunger, thirst, sleep and temperature/hypothermia) that is still in need of some reworking (particularly for customization elements). I'm a computer science student in the process of transferring and changing majors to game design and I want to get some practical experience. I'd say I have more programming experience than CK experience, but I've been learning a lot more about the CK recently.


Don't know how much help I'll be, but I'm willing to try and learn :D

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Talent:Voice actor/voice work

Skill level: No clue. Mid it think

Contact method: PM and Email are fine.

additional information: Female-- I have been doing voice work off and on for about 2 years. i have done accents and younger sounding voices.

Most of the time i am used for my normal voice.

https://sites.google.com/site/jezdamayel/ for any info. I also have soundcloud with some of my past work


thank you

Edited by jezdamayel
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Talent: Quest-coding

Skill level: Mid


Talent: Inserting Recorded Voiced Dialog into the Game

Skill level: Mid


Talent: Cell Creation

Skill level: Mid


Talent: Scripting

Skill level: Mid


Talent: Textures

Skill level: Mid


Talent: NPC Creation, AI, Facegen, Outfits etc.

Skill level: Mid


Talent: Mod Cleaning, Packaging, Documentation

Skill level: Mid


Contact method: PM


Additional Information: Status: Available. Looking for a small project that can be done in about a week.


Link to list of uploaded mods: Link.

Edited by David Brasher
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