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Talent: Voice Acting

Skill level: <absolutely unable to judge myself :yucky: >

Contact method: PM here or e-mail at [email protected]


Additional information:

You can find my current Demo Reel here:

and a VAP profile here: http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/topic/4510-viridianes-archive-female-nord-altmer-etc-possibly-khajiit/ with some more information about me not to clutter this topic.


The Demo Reel shows my accent, quality of my microphone and some of the voice tones I can perform. Additionally I can speak with heavy Eastern European accent with rolling rs and overpronounciation of things.

I have basic knowledge of Audacity - enough to remove noise, avoid clipping and clean up accidental pops. Feel free to take a look at VAP archive for more details.

I'm sorry for not following this thing exactly, but I've never been able and never will be able to judge my skill in anything. I could roll a dice and that's as poor idea as any, so I'll just leave it up to personal, subjective judgement of other people, ya? Feel free to fill that for me in the first post if you want consistency. Thanks :psyduck:


Also, why isn't this a sticky yet? I think this thread could really help modders big time :)


Also, just a tiny proposition from me - since voice acting is actually very much gender-dependant (obviously) I think it might be nice to add a note beside the VAs in the first-post list to let the modders know where to look for guys and where to look for gals for their voice overs :psyduck: And on another side-note, you may consider making the list alphabetical so that people could find the contact they're looking for easier (that's just in case the list actually gets big enough so that a glance isn't enough to pick the one they have in mind if they remembered to look for a specific name).


Why you said not to be shy about ideas. I always have ideas. Hope you don't mind my sharing them :teehee:

Edited by Esteris
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Mm, thanks for adding moi to the first post :) I poked someone asking for the sticky for this topic as well, maybe they will appreciate what you're doing and help with it.


On a side not, I want mooooods already. CS, CS, cooome :psyduck:

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Brilliant idea, definitely needs some pinnage.


I might kidnap some of you coders when the Creation Kit is released. Then I'll force you to pump out my well thought-out ideas whilst getting paid nothing but the slop I call your food.


Just kidding! Though this may be a definite source of reference once the CK does indeed come out.

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Talent: Voice Actor

Skill: High


I am a classically trained actor (BFA Acting Original Works/ Cornish College '96) capable of many dialects and alternative speaking methods. You can hear my work at Librivox.


I've played TES since Daggerfall and would love to contribute to modding in any way given my coding skills are horrid.


BTW: My personal website used to be www.johngon.com which has been taken down. I'll be relaunching a new site in the coming weeks.

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Ok, I guess I'll list what I can do here


Talent: Beta Testing (learning) I've done some beta testing this year taking things very seriously





Talent: Turtorials (Fairly Good) Owner of a site that helps ameture and freelance game designers with tutorials and other things





Talent: Modeling/Terrain (Good) Member of the CTP team and IGN hall of famer






Talent: Texturing (Low to Fair) I can bull my way through it with gimp or paint shop pro




Talent: Storytelling ( Excellent) I do pretty well in this area probably my strongest





Talent: Scripting: (low to Fair) I do scripting if I have to. It looks really ugly but it works





Talent: Toolset Building (Excellent) This is probably the second thing I do best using assets in a toolset to their fullest potential



http:// http://nwvault.ign.com/View.php?view=Screenshots.Detail&id=321

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