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First person weapons too small?


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Hey guys!


I realized that when using weapons (particularly one handed swords) in first person, the weapon seems too small. My pair of ebony swords look like two ebony daggers when I switch to first person. In third person view, the sword is roughly 6x the length of my character's hand. In first person view, it is about 3-4x the length of my character's hand. Has anyone else noticed this and is there a fix for it (it's really annoying me)?



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It looks like something for the community to mod, I think it actually could be easy with just changing the size ratio of the object. But I'm not sure how moddable this game since it doesn't come with an editor and conjoined with steam. Edited by tmx
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It looks like something for the community to mod, I think it actually could be easy with just changing the size ratio of the object. But I'm not sure how moddable this game since it doesn't come with an editor and conjoined with steam.


The Creation Kit will be released, and Steam doesn't inhibit modding in any way.

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