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Is there any way to appeal a ban?


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In 2011 I was using this site and got banned for a bullshit reason. I made mistakes in my life and then changed so that I was no longer doing the wrong thing, and did everything I could to make it right. I was a pirate, then I CHANGED and bought games, started buying all the games I had ever pirated. You will find few people who are against piracy more than I am (especially given the industry I'm involved with), I ask a question that had to do with removing the old (bad) games and installing the paid ones. For that I was banned.

I understand your policy on piracy, but what the f*#@, you ban people who ADMIT THEY ARE WRONG AND CHANGE AND GO BUY THE f*#@ING GAMES. You punished me for freaking becoming a better person. since then Ive made new accounts, but hey since its I have to make them from some bullshit email account they always get lost, and if I mistakenly log on to the original account the website won't even let me hit the the "sign out" button, I literally have to be in private browsing to even post this (Short of clearing all my cookies).

Like, could you at the very least delete the account so I could use my real email? I Mean this was SIX YEARS AGO. Why the hell am I being punished for something I did as a dumb 18 year old, especially when I did everything I Could to make it right, and I was banned BECAUSE I TRIED TO MAKE IT RIGHT.

Ban pirates, ban the hell out of them, but why the hell you would ban people who were abandoning being a pirate and being a law abiding citizen is absolutely beyond me.

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Here are some excerpts from the Terms of Service for the site. I'm not a moderator, nor am I pretending to be one, but maybe this will be helpful for you to read.



Unban appeals
Banned members may appeal their ban by using the unban appeal form. You should note, however, that the processing of the unban appeal may take some time as at least three members of the staff need to vote for either reinstatement or upholding the ban before the final verdict is delivered. It can take anywhere from hours to days. Unban appeals from banned members who decide not to wait for the verdict and create a new account will be automatically rejected without any further options to appeal, and the staff will make every effort to ensure that they are blocked from using Nexus permanently.



We have a strict anti-piracy policy and we take a proactive and preemptive stance on anyone who gives us reason to believe is using a pirated version of any game or software. We only support official game versions and users should not provide help to others requesting help with unofficial game versions (e.g. cracked games). If your on-site activities provide us with sufficient evidence that you are a software pirate then you will be instantly banned. If you ask for help with a cracked game then your posts or topics may be set to hidden or deleted, and persisting to ask for help with your cracked copy may result in your account being banned. More information on our anti-piracy policy can be found on our forums.

Edited by DaddyDirection
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Topic locked as you have your answer on what to do, please fill out an unban request as indicated.

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