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How do I make a weapon eject casings and control projectile


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How exactly do I make a weapon eject shell casings? I've looked through FO4edit, CK, and nifskope and I can seem to figure it out. Is in part of the animation or some setting somewhere? Can I control where it comes out of and it's angle? I'm using the Plasma Rifle/Pistol animations if that is important.


How do I control where the projectile comes from? Looking around seems to say the ProjectileNode is how, but it seems to change nothing.


Sorry if these are obvious answers, this is my first time seriously modding and some of the tutorials I've looked through were a bit confusing and didn't really give me a good answer.

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I want to know this too.


Intuition convinces me to believe it is something in Nifskope but I have yet to find anything.


I have a serious problem with the casing ejection from the Assault Rifle. If you notice, the casings are fired "up" from the ejection port, not to the side. So when you are in 1st person the casings are flying in your face and it is obnoxious.

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