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Ok, so here is my situation. I have spent two days troubleshooting this, and I am at a total loss...


I have several custom ammunition types that have impact scripts attached to them. They function 100% correctly when fired out of a weapon (eg: hunting shotgun firing dragon's breath rounds, correctly lighting people on fire) The problem I am having, is that things which should NOT be triggering the ScriptEffectUpdate block in the impact script for the ammo, are triggering it anyway.


For example, if I place a simple frag mine and wait for an enemy to walk over it and trigger the explosion, if the frag mine goes off while I have a hunting shotgun equipped with Dragon's Breath rounds in it, the frag grenade explosion not only inflicts it's own damage, but it also "castimmediatelyonself" the dragon's breath effect, and lights people on fire, even though I haven't shot them with a round, ever. This is true with every single type of ammunition I can test it with, and every single type of explosion. Whether or not the explosion has it's own object effect doesn't seem to matter either. No matter what I do, any explosion from a mine or grenade I throw also runs the impact script of whatever ammo I have equipped in my weapon, regardless of whether or not it's supposed to.


As you can imagine, this is totally game-breaking for me... and yet I can't seem to find a single instance of this happening to anybody online. :(


This problem is especially compounded with something like the grenadehotkey mod - every time a grenade is thrown, it immediately switches back to your previously equipped weapon. If the first available ammo to your weapon is an ammo with an impact script attached to it, then when the grenade goes off, the ammo's impact script is run on everyone hit by that grenade, since you were able to re-equip it so quickly.


If you want to test this in your own game, (should even happen in Vanilla, as far as I can tell) then place a frag mine, and equip a 12 ga. shotgun with dragon's breath rounds. Wait for the mine to go off, and everyone will ALSO be lit on fire...


This is driving me crazy :( any ideas?

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  • 3 months later...

This is driving me crazy :sad: any ideas?

I know this was from July, but I just want to confirm you're absolutely right in your findings.


I used throwing knifes, changing their projectiles' properties with JIP to give them 0 gravity and 50 speed, so they fly to their target like a lazy hummingbird. Meanwhile I changed my weapon to antimateriel rifle with incendiary rounds, and indeed, upon hitting the target, it caught on fire as if the ammo's script had triggered.


Yet another annoyance with script effects on ammo, but this one takes the cake. They are a complete hack, something Obsidian must have got all wrong when implementing features in the engine. Back in TES Oblivion, "ammo" was basically arrows (look at the GECK icon for ammo entries), and they could hold on touch object effects just like weapons could with no problem. You could give them scripted effects to your hearts content in their object effect, but the arrows themselves couldn't be scripted with object scripts, so manipulating them from scripts had to be done remotely with ref walking or the like.

Then came FO3, and ammo could no longer hold object effects. They probably were no longer relevant since weapons could only use one type of ammo, so giving the weapon itself an object effect took care of that.

And then, in FNV, ammo still couldn't hold object effects, but they could hold EFFECT scripts... which are subject to this bug, and which can't even be linked to any caster, so if the incendiary effect kills the target for example, you don't really get marked as the killer as far as the engine is concerned. Couldn't they just have given them real object effects back, and possibly allow them to be scripted with OBJECT scripts instead?


I'm thinking the only solution would be to pretty much cleanse any ammo scripts used by the game and make them trigger their effects with explosions attached to their projectiles instead. Which generates a world of issues on its own, so basically there's no good solution.

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