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Some particles not showing


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I'm unsure what the problem is. I downloaded Skyrim from Steam, and the game was set to 'High Settings' which I was happy about, but I noticed that in the game there are lots of particles not showing up by comparing to my friend's Skyrim. These are the particles/textures/meshes I am missing:

-fire (only small fires show up)


-spider web

-water spray

-fireflies (I think)

-blood (static)


I copied my friend's mesh and texture .bsa files on to my computer, and it still doesn't work. I assume that there could be an .ini problem, or perhaps the .esm file is broken.

My game loads at 50+ fps, so I doubt it would be performace related. I also tried putting the game on Ultra, however these still did not show up.


Any help would be appreciated.


EDIT: I have figured out the problem! If this happens to you, make sure you upgrade your Driver to the latest version. I have NVIDIA GeForce 240, and I upgraded to the latest version on NVIDIA's site, and BAM! They all show up.

Edited by billyro
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