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Really AEVWD will make the distance look better but at the cost of a bit of performance. I would use Weather - All Natural for real lights too it makes light sources so much better, it has a weather mod build into it as well but you don't have to use that part.


EDIT; opps, seen you added Really AEVED already but still worth trying Weather - All Natural

Edited by qwertywun
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I am running RAEVWD and Weather - All Natural, I just haven't updated the first post yet. Too busy playing the game, lol.











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One last update to finish the main post, I think it's a good build for people new to the game without getting too crazy with overhauls and mods.


I picked up Fallout 3 on sale so now I have to learn the differences between the two to get that game going as well, lol.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've been toying with the Cell Buffer and Preload limits to try to reduce stuttering but also minimize some of the last minute pop-in of scenery, especially while travelling on the black horse (fastest horse). The following numbers seem to be the best balance for my system, but I'm still testing with preload sizes.


uInterior Cell Buffer=9

uExterior Cell Buffer=108 (144 really overloaded my 1gb Radeon 5830)


iPreloadSizeLimit=157286400 (original value x6)

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I don't have any hands-on experience with it yet, but I've been following the progress of Landscape LOD generator tes4ll-v3. My understanding of the mod is that one of the things it eliminates is that distant land pop-up you describe. Gruftikus is pretty active developing and servicing the mod, and I'm sure would be glad to answer any pre-install questions you might have. If you tried it and found it helpful your report in this thread would also probably go over well with Gruftikus.
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I don't have any hands-on experience with it yet, but I've been following the progress of Landscape LOD generator tes4ll-v3. My understanding of the mod is that one of the things it eliminates is that distant land pop-up you describe. Gruftikus is pretty active developing and servicing the mod, and I'm sure would be glad to answer any pre-install questions you might have. If you tried it and found it helpful your report in this thread would also probably go over well with Gruftikus.


I was more referring to the point in the near cells when textures/meshes switch from LOD to fully rendered, but that mod looks interesting too, I'll have to read more about it, especially once I try out Unique Landscapes and the other new content addons.

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That's the pop-up I was talking about. There are certain areas that it seems to happen (I see it every time I pass Greenmead Cave on the way to Skingrad for instance ... the turn in the road down by Grayrock Cave pops into detailed view from a mushy distant texture). I could be wrong, but I thought that is what the Landscape LOD generator was for. Your setup is far and away beyond what I can run on my current hardware, so I can imagine that the difference between far and near is rather jarring compared to my vanilla setup. It looks like there are prerendered options for many UL areas along with the option to use the mod to generate your own. One of these days I mean to try out the vanilla replacement prerendered files.
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Gotcha, there are still quite a few spots where the terrain as well as the heightmaps are inaccurate and pop in slightly different from the LOD, which seems to be what that mod would correct. What I was trying to figure out was how the preloadlimit effects the sudden appearance of trees that weren't there at all, or were still drawn from a distance with less foliage.


It seemed like with a preloadx10, the entire near-horizon of trees and buildings would pop in all at once, causing a stutter every few seconds when it happened, but it could be my imagination. I'm no programmer, just fiddling with the numbers while questing and running around aimlessly.

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