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I went through all those settings back when I was using Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide to try and get my own game as smooth as possible (also back when my Geforce 8800 GTS SLI rig was still viable). Even using his recommendations for those setting and my RAM (2 GB) I couldn't get things perfect ... just a bit better.
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two small things you didn't mention but i've found first OBSE vers 0020 will not work with the steam version of Oblivion ie Steam gets picky and tells you that you can't use OBSE with it found out that if i run the steam version with out it and use the Waterdrop house mod (Crysister version) i get those glaring exclamation points in game.


second those with a dual (triple) monitor setup Oblivion doesn't like them that is it will CTD on you if you leave them activated. ( of course i've never delved into the ini files for oblivion to see if there is a way to get oblivion to play nicely with such a setup.



other than this good thread.

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first OBSE vers 0020 will not work with the steam version of Oblivion ie Steam gets picky and tells you that you can't use OBSE with it

That's highly doubtful. You'd be the first to notice this ever since the release of both, like 1 against a million of successful users.


OBSE was especially designed to work with Steam in cooperation with the Steam devs in the past. That's why there are Steam loader DLLs and such shipping with it as well today.

You must not run the "obse_loader.exe" to start OBSE though, if you're using Oblivion from Steam. You need to enable something called Steam Community Ingame or whatever and Steam will automatically use OBSE when you launch the game through Steam. That's comprehensively explained in the OBSE installation and usage instructions though, so I don't need to go into more detail.



found out that if i run the steam version with out it and use the Waterdrop house mod (Crysister version) i get those glaring exclamation points in game.

This on the other hand cannot be related to OBSE, as it means physically missing NIF files or other resources from the mod itself. The mod was either not installed correctly, or your OS prevented things from working.

If on Vista/Win7/Win8 and having the game installed at the default location inside program files (especially true for Steam Oblivion) the UAC will make 3rd party apps put files into some compatibility folders instead where the game can't find them. Your Windows Explorer will just 'pretend' they still were inside program files, while physically they are not. A move of Oblivion (or Steam apps) out of the over-protected system folder program files is in order to get things working right in this case and mods to find their resources.

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People with any multicore CPU might want to take advantage of this undocumented .ini setting:




To be pasted anywhere inside the [general] section up top in the .ini file.

This setting should make your Oblivion spread the AI threads all over your cores. Might improve performance in presence of multiple actors (like in a town). Then again, maybe it doesn't. Your game is never the only program using your cores, keep that in mind.




People with a CPU with 2 cores (for example a Core 2 Duo) may want to take advantage of another undocumented .ini setting:




To be pasted anywhere within the [general] section up top the .ini file.

This setting should make Oblivion take full advantage of your *dual* core CPU. It has been reported that the iNumHWThreads setting only works in presence of up to two cores. It should improve stability some (it sure does for me).


If you have more than 2 cores and try to use them (say, iNumHWThreads=4), this setting may fail to produce the expected results, and actually hinder the performance since it -apparently- hard limits itself to max 2 anyway (only citing what I did read elsewhere myself. I got no first-hand knowledge of the GameBryo inner workings).

Why not try anyway and come back here to [confirm | deny] that your game ran better?


Some people have also used the iNumHWThreads setting to force their game to run exclusively on 1 core (instead of both). I don't know why they'd want to do that, but hey... who am I to judge?

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