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Graphic Issue - Black Chunks


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I don't know what the hell happent but I accidentaly changed the game to windowed, and after that I keep seen these ugly black blocks at random places at my screen, even when I restored the config to it's previous state! Sometimes, instead of a black chunk, the screen looks like one big grid(checkered pattern). It seems to be related both to light effects and resolution, I've already done all the tweaking I could to the configs, even reinstalled the game and updated the video drivers and the issue remains. What's the cause of this? And how can I fix it?


I have a GeForce 9400 with 1GB of VRam, 2GB of RAM and use Windows XP. I have no speed issues though.



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Now it got even worse! The black square in the previous pic suddenly vanished and everything was fine. But now, these lines have suddenly appeared and filled my screen without any apparent reason; I haven't even touched the configs at all! Please someone help me to get rid of these damn lines!



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Now it got even worse! The black square in the previous pic suddenly vanished and everything was fine. But now, these lines have suddenly appeared and filled my screen without any apparent reason; I haven't even touched the configs at all! Please someone help me to get rid of these damn lines!




I have exactly the same problem, and I have not found a fic.

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Installing and reinstalling the game doesn't work with Bethseda games and Steam. Its always been like that. They have the game set up so that it reinstalls the game exactly the way it was before it uninstalled.


However, I think the problem might be with your graphics card somehow. Your graphic card should be able to run the game at a higher level than it appears to in your pictures, and I also noticed that you're running a Nvidia card. Have you tried rooting around your Nvidia settings? Nvidia cards like to randomly, without reason, turn off certain settings from time to time. Mine does that, and it turns off three of my processors. Try looking into your graphics drivers settings.

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Fixed it!......I think


I returned my Vcard to it's previous driver adn reinstalled the new driver BUT this time I set it to do an ``Original Install´´(To return all configs to default)and the lines are gone, and it's even a bit faster than before. But, since the black chunks also dissapeared like that I'm not sure if this will last. In really hope so.

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