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Is there a mod that applies the concept "less is more" in armors?


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I am aware it is ridiculous, but yesterday in a totally non-Oblivion context after saying "sometime less is more" something struck me.

I wondered if with all those sexy armors replacers is there some that really applies the, of course not verisimilar, concept "the more it protects, the less it covers."


In other words a mod where the weaker the armor is the more it covers, the stronger the less.


E.g., this would mean that Iron/Fur Armors are similar to vanilla and Daedric/Glass Armors are basically bikinis with everything in between; probably Orcish/Mithril Armors would leave a large cleavage and a shown navel.

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You're pretty f***ing genius


even if it's all for the sake of pornography that's probably the smartest post I've seen on the nexus.


To answer your question though, I highly doubt that mod exists. What I recommend in just looking through the skimpy armor mods, choose which ones are appropriate or fit along your proposed scale, and then leave the low-level armors vanilla.

Edited by Cdr248
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My Valkyries (defeated marauders who now are followers) would be the ultimate then ... and amulet and a ring is all they wear to battle. Guess that would make them the equivalent to 100% reflect damage 100% resist normal weapons.


While I totally agree with Cdr I think that it would take individually assessing all those varying degrees of skimpy armor so that you could come up with some "factor" to alter that particular piece's armor rating by, so that vanilla coverage got lets say a 0.25 factor and the ultimate nipple/pubic patch type got a 1.0 factor.


Ideally you'd aviod the whole permissions can of worms (how many skimpy armor authors do you think you'd have luck contacting for permission to change their ESP) by making a patch that recognizes the original's ESP filename and then applys your "factor" ... but what do you do with mix and match type situations (or even how do you determine which installed mod is being worn at the time).


Sounds like a personal use only project to me.

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My Valkyries (defeated marauders who now are followers) would be the ultimate then ... and amulet and a ring is all they wear to battle. Guess that would make them the equivalent to 100% reflect damage 100% resist normal weapons.


While I totally agree with Cdr I think that it would take individually assessing all those varying degrees of skimpy armor so that you could come up with some "factor" to alter that particular piece's armor rating by, so that vanilla coverage got lets say a 0.25 factor and the ultimate nipple/pubic patch type got a 1.0 factor.


Ideally you'd aviod the whole permissions can of worms (how many skimpy armor authors do you think you'd have luck contacting for permission to change their ESP) by making a patch that recognizes the original's ESP filename and then applys your "factor" ... but what do you do with mix and match type situations (or even how do you determine which installed mod is being worn at the time).


Sounds like a personal use only project to me.


No factor needs to be applied. Armor protection values increase linearly so then you just have skimpiness increase alongside those vanilla values.

For example (excluding any artifacts or uniques):


Fur/Iron is least protective by default, so make it the most covering

Glass/Daedric are the most protective by default, so make them the skimpiest


There is no need to alter their protection values, only their meshes.

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Vanilla armor rating values are assigned in the Construction Set and yes they vary from lowest level armors with the lowest AR to daedric/glass having the highest AR. Mod added armors follow absolutely no rules for assigned AR ... you are totally at the mercy of the mod author of that particular piece for what AR it has.


You method woud require something like Maskars Oblivion Overhaul to make all levels available at game start (though with MOO defaults they wouldn't be playable to the player) otherwise you wouldn't see the skimpiest armor until level 20.

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It should be relatively straightforward to write a simple mod that uses a sort of text file or something similar to define the items and the new armour ratings. A completely modular armour rating modification mod that would work using scripts. That way none of the actual mod esp/esm files would need to be touched. Price could also be changed to reflect the rating changes. If I find the time, I can write the system for you, should not take too long. However, listing the form IDs and new armour ratings would be up to the user, and would be the most time-consuming task of all. And it would only affect the armour rating and/or price of each piece of armour, not the availability or looks of them.

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Okay, I made a small mod to allow adjusting some armour attributes individually, without touching the plugins themselves, or even requiring them to be there: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/47079


If there are huge issues, I will take it down, but if it works, feel free to use it. The idea behind the ini files is a bit like with Hud Status Bars Enhanced. The mod does nothing by default, the user will need to add all the changes and stuff themself. And it can be a lot of work, depending on how many pieces of armour you want to edit. Hopefully that helps a little. :thumbsup:

Edited by Contrathetix
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Vanilla armor rating values are assigned in the Construction Set and yes they vary from lowest level armors with the lowest AR to daedric/glass having the highest AR. Mod added armors follow absolutely no rules for assigned AR ... you are totally at the mercy of the mod author of that particular piece for what AR it has.


You method woud require something like Maskars Oblivion Overhaul to make all levels available at game start (though with MOO defaults they wouldn't be playable to the player) otherwise you wouldn't see the skimpiest armor until level 20.


I think you're overthinking this.

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Nice ... so now the vanilla fur armor can be "covers a lot but protects a little" and JoeCoolsReallyReallySkimpyFurArmor can be "covers next to nothing and turns you into a tank" ... all at the same time.
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