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Is there a mod that applies the concept "less is more" in armors?


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Vanilla armor rating values are assigned in the Construction Set and yes they vary from lowest level armors with the lowest AR to daedric/glass having the highest AR. Mod added armors follow absolutely no rules for assigned AR ... you are totally at the mercy of the mod author of that particular piece for what AR it has.

You method woud require something like Maskars Oblivion Overhaul to make all levels available at game start (though with MOO defaults they wouldn't be playable to the player) otherwise you wouldn't see the skimpiest armor until level 20.


I think you're overthinking this.

No ... I believe I was channeling my "inner Contra".

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No ... I believe I was channeling my "inner Contra".



Should I feel... used? :laugh: It was just a nice idea, to adjust armour ratings individually. I might add more stuff to the mod when I have the time. Like weights, model paths, quest item statuses and all that, for all possible item types.

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But I truly hope not "abused" (my intention was to get a chuckle).


If you add too much I may forget what few CS skills I still have (I'm forever making shirts and pants into armor as a way to get it unequipped at night ... admittedly with mixed results).

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And a chuckle it produced. Thank you. :laugh:


I had to reinstall linux on my laptop during the weekend, so I did not have any time to do anything game-related. I will continue when I have the time. I do not think the power of OBSE extends far enough to allow changing object types on the fly, so you need not worry. It might be possible to write a mod to equip and unequip all on sleep enter and exit, I think, if OBSE event handlers would be used appropriately. For example registering for AI package changes, and acting upon the beginning of a package that has the type "sleep", and also acting upon the end of such package. That might work, or might not. But I need to finish my current projects before I start anything like that. :P

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The unequip armor flag is not very reliable. If an NPC has so much as a pair of gauntlets they will be equipped at bedtime (and boots ... I call it the "oven mitts and steel slippers" syndrome). If the player is not in the cell and enough time has passed since their sleep package start an NPC will wear what they are supposed to to bed when you check in on them, but get there just a few seconds too soon (where they don't trigger the sleep package until the player enters the cell) and it's mitts and slippers.


David Brasher went to great links with Olga Companion Mod to get her to wear what he wanted her to wear to bed (if memory serves to the point of removing ten of certain items from her inventory even though she should only have a single of that item). An old mod without OBSE dependencies that is well worth the chance for a few game sessions ... she is a hoot (for a while at least).


- Edit - Funny how things seem to work ... I get done posting here and then check out the Oblivion New Mods page. Have a look at the last item in the Patches section of the mod description here.

Edited by Striker879
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Now that one sounds like a great plugin indeed. I need to download it when I get home. :woot:


Writing an OBSE plugin has been on my to-learn list for an eternity now. I have an idea for a small simple one to help with ini files, but I need to learn how to add it to OBSE. Pluggy has some ini features, but I have been thinking about something more simple and straightforward. Also less flexible, but the Pluggy way of handling ini files results in a ton of code to get just a few values. But that is just a dream of mine. :P

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The readme says the source code is incomplete due to the nature of what parts of the plugin do, but it still may serve as a source of direction.

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The next version is almost ready, it will add most of the commonly needed options that are available through OBSE. It is just a simple thing, really, all it does it run batch files, and then execute some OBSE commands to change the attributes of items. Hopefully I will have the time to finish the new version today, tomorrow will be busy... then I can move back to my other projects.


Textures to use are in the meshes. Maybe NifSE could be used to change those, but even if it were possible, it would probably be a user-side nightmare configuring the thing using NifSkope to find the necessary info. Changing model path is more simple, but also more restricted, and it will be in the next version.


All the OBSE commands are simple, straighforward and do not really require much skill to use. They are all here for everyone to use: http://obse.silverlock.org/obse_command_doc.html. So the mod I am making is simple. That has to be said for fairness' sake. I just use readily available stuff on a minor scale.


Modding can be easy. :D

Edited by Contrathetix
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The real difficulty of modding Oblivion is the insane terminology bethesda invented and some lack of common sense (as far as I saw it's better than Morrowind though).

They did not simply used new words, they used words that usually have different meaning. Just think that Instances are called References and Classes are called Objects.

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