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Ancotars spider continued


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When i found ancotars dwemer spider i fell in love with it. But it can only be commanded inside his lab. So i have a mod request. The continuation of the spiders work. The journal said that if the encantment was retuned (or thats what i remember) it could command the spider outside the lab. But how could you retune the enchantment. Well i think you can retune it by learning the enchantment and puttiing it on a greater staff(by destroying the spider control rod). So i think someone should make a mod where you must destroy the spider control rod and find the king dwemer staff (a very powerful staff that doesnt have a enchantment) that is powerful enough to command the spider outside the lab. Also i think you should be able to improve the spider. Like to heal and make it stronger it you must find dwemer parts(such as small dwemer plate metal and anything dwemer thats misc). Also by improving it you can improve its capabilities.



10 dwemer scraps give it the ability to have a inventory

20 dwemer scraps lets you command it to loot bodies

30 dwemer scraps lets you command it to attack people

60 dwemer scraps upgrades its size and the damage he does with melee attack

70 dwemer scraps adds worker mode(lets him dragbodies,mine,smelt,craft,and pick up itemsfrom the ground)

80 dwemer scraps adds scavenger mode (he automaticly walks around and picks up items that are not owned when commanded)

100 dwemer scraps gives it 1000 inventroy space

150 dwemer scraps lets it follow you instead of commanding it with the staff (other abilities need the staff besides the following command used just by looking at it and pressing e which opens the spider interface and gives you the commands follow me,scavange items,drag bodies when commanded,loot bodies when commanded these other options need the staff to use)

200 dwemer scraps allows creation of other dwemer machines

Edited by 135791357913579
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Its going to need new animations and such but i doubt any of the textures will need to be changed due to the fact we can use the textures from the original dwemer spider and other dwemer mechanisms. Im thinking about replacing the last upgrade with the creation of dwemer sentries. Player being able to make dwemer steam centurions is going to take a lot of challenge out of the game. Edited by 135791357913579
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