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More powerful Ghostblade


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There's this blade you find in a dungeon after killing a certain boss, it's semi transparent and really cool, but it has less damage than an iron sword and just a +3 damage enchantment.

I'd like to have it buffed a bit, on par with elven or orcish swords maybe....

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You can easily adjust the dmg and enchantment values yourself using the CK.


Open the Creation Kit, LOAD, check SKYRIM.ESM in the left window and press OK.

In the object window check *ALL enter GHOSTBLADE in the search box. Open the found form called dunAnsilvundGhostblade edit dmg/speed values in this window, press OK


You can open the found enchantment form as well called dunAnsilvundGhostbladeENCH, open it, double click INSUBSTANTIAL: HEALTH in the new window, change the Magnitude:3 dmg value in the next window, press OK => OK






Now press on the save symbol and name your plugin, GHOSTBLADE for example...make sure the plugin is checked in the Skyrim launcher under DATA FILES (as default it is ON) and play the game.

Edited by ghosu
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