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Does anyone has a invisibility fix


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Hello People,


Have problems with staying invisible, i removed the chameleon armor, and even then afther removal the moment i crouch and standup i get and stay invisible, and it seems there is no way to undo this except loading a game with a visible standing up character, but once crawled and stand up again the problem appears again, Even dying doesnt always help, pipboy gets random less or completly invisible, using power armor getting out of the power armor notting helps really, i hope someone will find a way through mod or whatever to fix this because to me it seems like a mayor bug possible to ruin a game in a great manner. Hope someone find a way for a fix, thnxs in advance.



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I gave up on the Chameleon Legendary mod for this very reason. I even tried (and failed) these remedies From the Fallout 4 Console Commands wiki;




Visual bug glitches & annoyances


There is currently a bug going around that involves locking the imagespace mod of the Recon sight and/or the Night vision sight. Use these two codes to correct them.

rimod 00094636
rimod 002041b6


To completely disable all imagespace modifiers use the following command:

sisme 0


This will disable all image space modifications which can hide some effects that tend to be more of an annoyance than a benefit (i.e. extreme brightness or blurriness when going stealth).




So if you find a solution, please share it.

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I'm sorry but I was looking at this the other day and it's really quite frustrating. The visual effect seems to be a built in hard-coded aspect of the invisibility tag. Anything which makes you invisible triggers the effect from the engine, without it coming from anywhere in the .esm or .esp files that can be easily changed with a mod.


Of course I might be missing something, so I can't say there isn't a way of doing it but there's certainly nothing I can find.

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The problem seems to be the game engine not recognizing the "removespell" command when you are no longer actively crouching/sneaking. The "Chameleon" effect (invisibility) is just a "magic" spell, same as it was in Skyrim. I think it's due to script lag, which the game suffers from horribly. I've found the only solution sometimes is to quicksave and quickload, ( often repeatedly) until the game notices that you should no longer be invisible. That or restarting the entire game.


There is a mod that removes the "nightvision" effect from the "Night Person" Perk, which at least gets rid of the stupidly bright UI when you're stealthed up, but nothing can help if your Pipboy is actually invisible as well, although entering Power Armor will usually at least make the Pipboy screen readable.

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I saw a "few" mods that claimed to fix this .. no, sorry - I do not remember them, but look in the FILE section and use a couple of KEY WORDS ... I do know there are some in the library.

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Sorry, but this is all part of the "push the engine and watch it inevitably break" problem.


The engine is ancient, 'clever' behaviour is all hard-coded by Beth using very bad hacks, and if you want to look for 'flaws' you will find them with ease. And NO, these flaws ain't going to be fixed by Beth nor modders.


Most of us would like it if Beth would just fix very fixable quest issues (in DLC a key Children of Atom woman I'd spent ages interacting with popped up out of nowhere on the path to the Synth base and spoke to me like she'd never seen me before- all because the dumb-dumb Beth coders assumed a player would go to the synth base BEFORE the chidren of atom base, and couldn't be bothered to implement a simple flag to deal with the other case).


Wanting more sophisticated correct functionality to 'off the well worn path' gameplay is a hopeless goal with Beth games.

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