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[Req] Stop or reduce leveling from non-combat skill gains


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If you were anything like me and focused primarily on non-combat skills with your fresh new Skyrim character, you'll understand the pain of finally leaving town only to face an upleveled world that utterly kicks your arse. There's several ways we might address this balancing issue, but I think I have the simplest and less game-altering idea: I'd like to see a mod that makes non-combat skills such as Sneak, Speech, Smithing etc not count towards level gains.


This means that focusing on non-combat skills isn't going to harm your combat experience or cause the game world to outlevel you, regardless of whether you're level 1 or 40.


The reason I don't believe this outbalances the game is because your level only affects combat- enemy's stats, loot drops, that sort of thing. You could grind 100 Smithing at level 1, but you won't be swimming in septims or Moonstone bars as a result.


Perks are a seperate issue, but I'm happy to gain combat levels in order to spend non-combat perks. Others may feel differently about this, and I welcome any discussion on it.


If it's not possible just yet, I'll attempt to do this myself once the Kit is released. But, just in case some savvy editor is reading this and wants to give it a go, please do. :]

Edited by Moogiefluff
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