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This kind of work does require a slightly beefy Unit to process it all.


Just the fallout series 3 took my system over 37 hours non stop to Optimize all the data, then the sorting of data , a hit an miss kind of thing is required for the Unit's ability to process the data.


A laptop. except the ROG..is not strong enough to do this work..it's not for every one, that's for sure. The plan is a hard focus on what you want.


As with all things, you need a base, a ground working platform to start with, That is what this is all about, making it from scratch..modify all data and that kills the NON modified aspect of the rules here, all data must be altered in order to publish it. :devil: :devil: :devil:


Now, you have All your cake..and can Eat it too. Just don't use others data without permission.


Though, you may not need to any more, here, you have your own.


in this thread, we made available a pdf. and I posted a reminder though incomplete, as a basis to go by...each PC / laptop if it can, will respond differently.

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One of the many things I wanted to teach you is removing Bugs from assemblies after you merged a lot of data from some mod.


These are methods tested, Techniques that actually work.


Some mods have very little data in them but can be very complicated to figure out.


The current layout is used, this does by pass stringent settings for the geck, the thing that allows the code in a fundamental way to

produce correct paths, while we are not using the data folder, we are using the virtual folder scheme instead.


These so called bugs are not real bugs, but a byproduct of what we are doing...sorting out those things "bugs" I have done already.


Current FWE project put on hold due to finding said buggy ness with in a mod.

Example of High quality mods (http://www.marcuriosmods.nl/?page_id=191)


The purpose is to combine all the data down to a confined result so we can remove conflicts with other mods, take the best code and make a single instance of all of it into 1 plugin, while maintaining that format. Mo offers us this opportunity.


The bug in general is the geck will just crash CTD on save, even IF we do nothing but load the results into it, we do this so the esp master and it's corresponding data are corrected.


The geck will not on it's own save plugin files that use an esp as a master file, Nor will it save an esm file...on it's own and we need it to fix the code alignments. IF you can't for some reason get the geck to save a file ?...then we use Binary reversals to repair the misbehaving code so it will save the data.


We get real creative. This requires the use of tools, Java for time setting and master flagging /undoing while keeping needed data held tight in the mod. That data is used by the geck.


If we use xedit..any version, it strips out data that needs to remain in place. But if we use xedit to "recreate the buggy mod we made? well now, all binary data is left in place, only its now in reverse order.


it's one method I just made sure works right ,a repeat of yester years product support.


we need to focus on one thing at a time.

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Test is a success ,though I had better looking clouds in vanilla and Enhanced versions.


The mod was only used for tests. you never ever upload anything like these ever. you use them for personal use only.


I tested the mod in both persuasions, loose plugins and one melded together. it all works.


URWL has a glitch in it that the transitions are way too fast, and a static visual that looks like millions of birds then poof, it starts to rain.


The duration are no match for Enhanced ability. April showers mostly. Too bright. So we might throw in to it fellout. OR darker world space adjustments on the global and regions. Just for tests.


I know there are conflicts when both are ran at the same time. These can be optimized as the targets in MO's folders can be selected individually.

IF it turns out bad? hell reinstall right there.


The EVE projects are kinda hard to complete as all the assets once available in the wild are now gone.

here are a few shots showing the out come:



And here is what we discussed about UI internally, a method that can be used to control even more. Done in this fasion, you can

add a great deal, nearly mod on the fly...but you would need to study how it's put together.


And NO, I am not using any ENB, don't need it.


I have a lot of the data here, and I had to substitute too much of it to keep track of where it all came from.


That, what you see is written as text input messages in the plugin. Not a true ENB usage. Just used the code / re-purposed the plugin data.

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"the EVE projects I refer too are not weapon mods" Just so you Don't get the wrong impressions.


EVE project was a very large game mod for fallout 3 that was a private venture between me and another women.


Quest mod, 300 + hours worth of run time in it. she pulled her mods off line so I lost access to the required data.


have no idea where or if she will return.


"EVE" as in the garden OF....

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here is what happens with the list of mods used before and drop into the game (Obscurum - Unnatural Selection Eleventh Update).


you should see this at night.

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Another way to enhance this project.

I'll list some things here to attempt to get it to come out right so you understand it.


To use the DLC content as if they were Mod's them selves, it requires a slight change in plans. IF you want to go that way? This is how we do that.

  • Links:
  1. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/4635/?
  2. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/ajax/downloadfile?id=1000155444
  3. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/8216/?
  4. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/5104/?
  5. http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=Garden_of_Eden_Creation_Kit
  6. http://www.xnormal.net/Downloads.aspx
  7. https://github.com/jonwd7/nifskope/releases/tag/v2.0.dev4#downloads_2_0_dev4
  8. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/ajax/downloadfile?id=1000003120
  9. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/ajax/downloadfile?id=1000020909
  10. https://github.com/jonwd7/nifskope/releases/tag/v2.0.dev5
  11. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=5549

And follow the thread here for the laid out plans as is a basic discussion, use your minds eye.


IF we confider the DLC's as a mod ? we know how they were made based off of the main master file, they are indeed just mods. They can be treated as such using this method, not the plugins, but the assets them selves under this method and use.

You make z7 archives of each, I labeled mine this way 1fallout,2fallout,3fallout...etc..


With Mo's version ( we use that for this application and not disturb the first project. Make your own folder to place mo into.

Mo can use the default directory and is configurable for different paths, but "" has a purpose here.


I remind you to forget about upgrades and all that hype, this is not about the latest and greatest or intended use, this is about specialized use.


This application is to show how you can remove all internal conflicts with a game...not just this game, any game.

The game..verses bsa archives, the ini file verses Bsa archives, the root of all evil is the name and path, not internal, but external.


On init, the engine reads the ini file, if it is not right as I have shown here to date, the game will not run. One of many reasons but is the first one we deal with.

open the ini file and see the path statements, it will list all data as it is called...this is done at the speed of light (paraphrased), don't blink, you might miss it.


IF you have done your homework and have the sources folders completed as shown, have done the trial and error with removing Hiccups, data from the sources folders to source folders 2 /removed. then you can do this with the mod Theme of the DLC content here with slight name changes.


in the End here, we will be replacing our converted game in another directory patched too 1.7 and NOT subjected to Steams interference / updates.


And zero Overrides of the bsa archives, zero conflicts with the standard game asset's as those BSA archives will be completely Empty, void of any data.


We use Fomm to recreate them else where so to replace the "copied game files" in our work directory with them. all the assets the game requires are held in virtual space inside MO and the Entire games structures is now under our full control to do with as we see fit.


Not only does this remove saved game bloat, it also removes that large hit on V-Ram. The only thing we don't replace are the sound files.


The sound files need to remain in the BSA archives as shipped.


The folder /removed sorting folder from the source folder, maintain file path structures must remain clean as we can repack them in to the Original bsa names and contain only sound files and voice files...this is hard to do, I kid you not.


you want to remove CTD's, you want to remove doubts ? you want a better game?


Do this.

This is complexity is new and not easy to understand.


Here, in this way, you can replace as default specific files with in the game and makes it Permanent change. once you have done all of this work, your ready to mod the hell out of it. Disc usage will be a lot less too after this is completed.



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