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Completely Overwhelmed... :(


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...Woke up at 8am not feeling the greatest. Ended up just being too tired and went back to bed for a nap. Somehow slept until 3pm and wok up with a headache. Might have to do with how hot it is today. Or that I slept for 13 hours for some reason.

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...Woke up at 8am not feeling the greatest. Ended up just being too tired and went back to bed for a nap. Somehow slept until 3pm and wok up with a headache. Might have to do with how hot it is today. Or that I slept for 13 hours for some reason.



I am so sorry, I put you through a lot, all of that is a crash course to troubleshoot the main reasons people have issues and a head start to Eliminate future issues. Yes, it's been hot ,and internet reading all day long will develop into a very big headache.


You are what the OP statement is, so it fit's.


Get this; I have word others are in that very same boat today. could be the world the way it is now, could be all the Uncertainty abound of us.\


Hey ! It could be a real world Fallout !

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Get this; I have word others are in that very same boat today. could be the world the way it is now, could be all the Uncertainty abound of us.


Well, at least we aren't alone lol. Maybe some of our productivity here will assist others in their endeavors.




Hey ! It could be a real world Fallout !


But I haven't fished the DIGITAL world Fallout, yet. D:


And modding real life is complicated. :tongue:




I am so sorry, I put you through a lot, all of that is a crash course to troubleshoot the main reasons people have issues and a head start to Eliminate future issues. Yes, it's been hot ,and internet reading all day long will develop into a very big headache.



BAH! Don't blame yourself. I'm enjoying this quite a lot, actually. Just gotta get to the bottom of this CTD then we can start implementing actually changes, right? Or is there more to be done? Either way...


...where's the first place I should look to start figuring out why the game is crashing?

Edited by ZpIIlz
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And modding real life is complicated.



Under said.


...where's the first place I should look to start figuring out why the game is crashing?

Steam game? verify game files first and run from steam directly by passing anything we do.


2. use the ini files I sent to you.

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This is what I am going to do.

  1. I had made contact with my other constituents concerning this outline.
  2. I am discussing with him private information sharing but whether or not publicly is on the slab.
  3. Know past efforts were recorded by another and he has been offered to join in here IF he has the time.
  4. Every one has a real life and needs to deal with it so this aspect needs to be considered too.
  5. The data recorded is rather flattering but is very defiantly more IN depth than what was posted here.
  6. It is incomplete as life has called on us time to time, halting our goals.
  7. machines, this is where things get Mystical by the processes involved. Not being the same.
  8. I have received 2 Documents of the work we have done but as I also said are incomplete.
  9. Further disclosure will be determined By his response as this data was done in a private manner.
  10. If I get an OK ? I shall limit exposure to incompleteness here but rather send you a copy.
  11. If not? then we continue here as we were.

I am tempted to show some of it but I'll just wait. You need to get that game up and running.

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understood. ok well it doesn't launch.

I verified local game files in steam. there were 4 it needed, they downloaded. I launched the game via the "play" button within steam: no luck.

Also, what ini files did you send me? I have a folder dedicated to all the things you've sent me but there are no ini files in there. Did I miss the link?

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understood. ok well it doesn't launch.


I verified local game files in steam. there were 4 it needed, they downloaded. I launched the game via the "play" button within steam: no luck.


Also, what ini files did you send me? I have a folder dedicated to all the things you've sent me but there are no ini files in there. Did I miss the link?

hold on.


removed. KB

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