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Completely Overwhelmed... :(


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I am beyond flattered. As I'm sure Kitty is as well. What started as just another post about load order has evolved into a story of sorts. I would have never dreamed that this thread would be followed like story or series. With characters and a plot. But it has. Many real life lessons are being learned here that have changed my perspective on things as well. It's an understatement to say Kitty went "out of her way" for all of us through my experience here. Through careful communication and patience (and a fair bit of caffeine), we are able to persevere. Overtake each challenge as they come. All just because it's there.

That's probably the most beautiful thing about this is that there are no guns pointed to anyone's heads. No pressure. No real reason to be doing this in the first place other than personal enjoyment. We are deliberately putting ourselves through a certain hell to achieve an indescribable greatness in something we love: personalizing video games.

In the end, there will be this golden shiny and glowing final product that is beyond any achievement or unlockable you could "earn" in any game. There are no YouTube walkthroughs for this. It's about learning-by-doing and staying focused. (and listening to sensei).

We aren't done yet, though, hang in there. Gonna do some computer maintenance because this project deserves it, really. Then I'll be ready for the next phase.

Thank YOU, Arleaux, your post is very motivating. Fuel for the fire. You have helped remind us (me) that there is more to this project than just personal agenda.

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Also, Kitty. You are deep inside the trenches and is working for something greater than what we all could imagine. It seems you can make this game engine shine, while all we can do is see it crying "pls stahp!"

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Also, Kitty. You are deep inside the trenches and is working for something greater than what we all could imagine. It seems you can make this game engine shine, while all we can do is see it crying "pls stahp!"

Things happen ; Evolve over time. when you look for the reasons why these things happen and acknowledge those reasons, you make note of them and replicate them...If at all possible, then and only then, you know how these things come about.


The doing of these things is a lesson learned, your not going to forget them. repeating over and over again, you dig so deep into the code and establish it's limits, go too far, and break things...find the weak spots from any mistakes made..you learn that too, you don't for get that.


Even the silliest mistakes have value. You can't make that Omelette with out breaking a few eggs.


The raw code the game is based in is the key..we try to clean things one way and find it makes it really a horrible experience.

We try other ways and it all gets to be a blur.


so, you go backwards..into time, you look at the code and find unwritten flaws, things that can not be found with 3rd party tools. Things right in your face on the screen that should be so obvious.


Herald, a Tree ? well, the code say's what about him? oasis is inside a giant Green cube as seen in the geck. <---why. you ask your self what is all this about. If you inspect it in the tools meant for the game. you are distracted from the goals by what you find.


I don't get distracted, I acknowledge the facts..This IS a Bethesda game, they made Rage, it has even better graphics, post monopolistic rendering engine.


Same publisher..so why screw up fallout 's series? A closer look at who made the game by signature shows a lot of hands changed...people, too many people were hired and fired during productions...un unhappy crowd there...but this did not take place in Rage development.


So the first flaw found was methods used and peoples decisions in haste made.


Out side Raven rock, as seen with only Fo3 enabled, you inspect the Environment closely. really close.


A trip down memory lane here. All the things that are there for the games scripts...are there, all the world objects are there.


DLC content comes in and changes world objects.."There" and I found no reason to do that. None.

Broken steel master .contains deleted data..in a master file ? we all know, "Deleted" is a very bad things to do, but it's on key components..internal game structure that is effecting other data to flow correctly..that data is NOT deleted in the master file, IT's master file.


So, the crew made mistakes from the get go. Truly Broken Steel...is that a company Pun? really, after going inside and out of all the games data, the entire games structures, yeah, it's was named as a Joke...a money making Joke.

there was no call to sell things broken. and a fixed set of "Private DLC content packages" made the truth stand out..made me sick to think this kind of programing makes money.


That in it's self is the cause of so many fights here and else where. the data, as it flows ,uses names, file names and or code flow alphabetical flow internally.


Anchorage and the Pitt's DLC labeling...look at the calls...look at the internal scripting calls.


we know the oder of the flow, and even so, it still is backwards internally with in the masters.


It's written the PITT is DLC01

It is written Anchorage is DLC02.


Tells you the story in real life, how things were done at the publishers source.



we are here to remove all the flaws before they occur and build up a brand new source code to show how the game was Originally meant to be.

Not my idea, but the truth of how the code is supposed top operate at the time and date the data was produced...Not today's machines. we're talking antiquated tech... and yet, our big powerful machines to day are brought to their Cyber knees with simple code flaws.


not letting it go on any more. Fix the issues and then have some real fun.

What can happen is a removal of limits / lag this old engine has due to improperly made source data..so we fix one thing..and NOT break another.



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I will say this: all of this is not more important than real life needs, do not waste time here or loose your job over this.


it takes time to learn this stuff. Free time. Don't waste your real life time and kids time screwing with this messed up game.

use only spare time...take your time. A lot of caffeine can go a long way.


but when you sit down, and start a project of any kind, try not to over think things, just use an orderly fashion use of time and decide what to focus on, choose the order of things.


About me: I'm a women, a mother of 3. OR millions..depends on your point of view.

My kids try things or give me heat over silly things, girls do that. You stop and think...hey she did those things too...and your right, but the kids don't go there. They are not focused on the past of things they have no knowledge of.


I'm a good mom. Rich too, still has no baring on their upbringing.

Is it a sad thing to not have them exposed to the internet of things? I think not, their grades in school beat anything life throws at them.


they get to play on internet when I allow it. They are not allowed to waste time on TV. so there is no cable. we use Red box or we buy the shows on disc. there is a time and place for things. an orderly fashion /passion...that setup brings a good outcome.


No boy's. sorry guy's, my girls know better.

Mom is a ton of fun..My real name IS kitty. and I have a lot of fun with my girls "offline".

But, it's a mad house when they invite Friends over.


This system, all my systems are off limits and under lock and key. no one has access to my stuff in this office.

when I make a patch for some one, it has to be made on a lap top that is not encrypted as this machines code is. I use bit locker code here so internet thieves get nothing.


I learned about MS stuff during windows 2k fiasco. Dinosaur software.

I share what I know based on what I can establish is recognized by others.


the networks are not a safe place to work. people take things way wrong. I lost a lot of friends due to misunderstandings. I don't repeat those things, I learned from them and whom not to engage with.


I instill this into my kids learning curves too. "Trust no one".


If in doubt, ask.


My time spent here is my private time. I have all of this on my cell phone.

some times I might not respond...but I always try and see if there is some thing out of place before I respond.

so if your life enables you the time, we are all good.

If not? chances are this is not for you. This is all about 1 game...what you take from this can be applied to other games. and then it depends on those games too.


I might post things..that do not make sense...but it will, I try to lay things out so there is a ground work in place and then I might refer back to the start so to bring some up to speed.


Grudges ? do I keep grudges.? ah, yeah, I do, I will not respond nor post in places that others responses are Vile and ungrateful.

Note: I keep an excel spread sheet open at all times and post links from here and else where to those posts noted as a waste of time.


If I say i won't post somewhere, believe me, I won't..and now you know why.


I ignore ignorance, data has no place for that, but lol, I sure found a lot of it in this game.


break: this is not a personal place, it's an open forum. My friend I have come to know, know me in real life. They all have lives to live.

some have a better life now and no longer come here. some are still having hard times too. can't help them. Tried too.


The game here is learning to fix things, Focus ,and fallout3 is the book used at the moment.


the thread does resemble a book ? sort of. any way's "KAT" can patch things on the fly. IF I know all there is to know before hand.

hide things from me, you hide things from your self. <-- know why that is :mellow:


make sure I am aware of all things going on so any responses made are accurate.

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My god! I'm a father of one girl. I admire your dedication and discipline. There is a lot to learn, I know that, I try my best and I'm just starting. I really want to achieve what you are doing. Now I have time because I'm jobless and economy here is going upside-down. So I have time until someone tips my name and I have a job again. In my field, it is not like going outside asking for a job and you get one. You need to reach that specific spot, through specific channels.


I got really intrigued by you as soon I started reading your posts. There is something there for sure, "mystical", maybe. One thing I can tell, it was a worth read. Even If I'm not implementing your code, I'm really curious just by witnessing the work being done. It seems when you talk about things, it is metaphorically, allegorically, it makes sense to me.


I can wait to see the results and sit back and enjoy the ride.

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It seems when you talk about things, it is metaphorically, allegorically, it makes sense to me.



Your attention to details are correct.


See, most people here think the written word is written in stone or the rule of the one...don't go there. Nothing wrong with that rule except it's being applied at the wrong time and place.


The rule is the last plugin standing rules the game..and it holds true, it is aggressiveness to overrule the above data.


The above data must obey the lower data, and here in lies the issues. Conflicts, enough of them will cause this rule to do things we Don't want.


internally with in mods are the rules...but can be overwritten once as a quest stage can only run once, the stages when complete, Eliminate the rules.


If you can not go backwards? then forwards is the only course that can be true.


How ever ,with specific code in place, we can overcome these rules, break through that barrier of controls..moment temporarily until you hit a cell wall that triggers an event out of sequence and CTD the game.


very specific code gathered up by mods.


For example, a lazy engine can spawn creatures very late in a stage, water purifier for example, you won't see the Mutants sitting in a wall or way down out of the way and hidden from view. we use a mod that has properties to allow us to see them through the walls and identify the problems within the quest stages.


Combat assistant is that mod, we use it as a tool and not a cheat..but we are cheating the games engine flaws by it's use.

you have to draw a line in the code or overcome code flaws in this way in order to fix, or find the issues.


Taft tunnel: there is a spawn point in there that gets shifted most of the time by using FOSE made mods. these mods were made with power-up to encode script commands that alter the stages results, doing so creates a mess for the player and the code no longer responds correctly.


It can't. but with the right mods i place, we can work around that part, ugliness and overcome these flaws.


A person I knew a long time ago, wrote things in a binder. Things on a book extended drive I was given. I am not alone/ was not alone.

The information it provides give leave to "time travel' Within the game by use of mods set up just so.

way points in the game are attached to cell barriers / walls.


you can blow up Megaton and go back through time in 2 ways with these mods in place.


The combination of that code allows it only so far because not all of the games code is covered. you can not violate order too much before things go very wrong. Such as the workbench data I am inspecting.


If I strip out "offset data" within a mod, and esp using xedit ? it breaks the stage events, data it controls are simple walls or spawn points connected to them. This data is seen as global and is treated as such.


You seen things like <Unknown> ? those are dynamics and can stand for many applications according to what triggers it or them, they can choose what to show according to what is taking place and the players skill level.


Ties that bind is a mod that uses triggers a lot, a great deal. The speech challenges direly effect if you can or can not see a spawn point occur.

It is an outside world space effect that effects and interior world space spawn point. The guy with a key will not spawn if you do not qualify that segment of the events.


a lot of issues are player created and not just mods being at fault. as I posted "ORDER" is the key things...it must be correct and then it still can fail too.

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I also read in another forum about a year and a half ago that Animy Prostitution and Seducing Women were incompatible. Once you fix your load order, you might want to uncheck Seducing Women and see if that helps. Good luck, I have been where you are and I don't play my game on Steam thank God.

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I avoided "CBBE" stuff entirely, just because by reading its files, proved too much work to be done to a thing that would only throw the game purpose out of the window.


See, if I want to romance other girls, I would do better doing it myself IRL. If it is almost impossible, well there is always free PORN out there. I'm not injecting kinky stuff into my game. Period. I'm not being paternalist, you could think it differently from me. Thats the wonder in social spaces, we are allowed to think otherwise hehe.


I even downloaded type 3 related stuff, but I completely let out of my project right now. I have a folder "Type 3" kinda setup as a Data folder just to thrown some new bodies into the game, But I really don't see the need to go down this road right now. I just want the game working with MODS helping it work where the game lacks in content.

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Type 3

Those discussions I do in private, I respect the authors intentions and the kids here. Some of us ladies are offended of Overly amplified things.


What I see taking place with code and then seeing showcasing of things that SHOULD not be see in a public place is offending.


Type 3 is an adult Doll dress up application, skinny too, athletics but some go to far.


I do in fact use it so I can use the armors made for it. Lings stuff. zero stuff, things like that. but adult things should really not be in the game.


I made a fat lady singer mod, a place in the world where there was an underground auditorium / stage where performers would do their thing like clock work.


A ton of idles I made, animations made, and just plain got lost in it all. There will be a point in time every one gets too and finds the modding to be second nature...you just know whats going to do what.


then things slow down. Don't loose interest .

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I know what you're talking about, although, I could only imagine how a girl would actually feel about the modding community. It is downright misogyny. I mean, if you look for, you can actually see male models design to do the same dirty work, but it is completely out of purpose these things you know.


You can always ignore and focus on your way of modding though.


Anyway, If I ever get a new PC, and by that I mean a powerful enough to do your project, expect me to e-mail you, I have your e-mail Kitty! Please don't change. I will contact you and we will make my machine happy with FO3 working as it should. I could only imagine the works you have achieved.

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