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Completely Overwhelmed... :(


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I'm really not sure, I just hope ZpIIlz is following all of that. Father's day yesterday, I was having a barbercue ;)


I just hope you are not going to fast, as we can't fallow it. But since he is with you right from the start and really doing the stuff, he must be able to master your instructions.

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I can just wait it out. I played around with some grass things, I had my self laughing at the results.


seriously over grown grass ! It's fun to tweak on the fly.


Just to kill time.

Edited by Purr4me
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personal tweaks, I can do one item at a time and have a ton of tiny plugins with in MO and switch em around quickly, test, exit , do it again. OR I can use GECK Live while the game is hot and running, save in geck, see the changes immediately take place in from of me and stay in the game.



Some things take time, looking for that sweet spot.

pick a shrub that shows most used in the geck, use the ID box in the object windows to isolate the subjects, then slowly pick just an item that appears in the preview window and stick to just that one item.


a tree ,it's type, it's size, it's color, what leaves or branches it will use, you can switch all of that.

limited grass selections but to remain Vanilla and make things look way altered, you stick to their settings, you can alter their settings within the geck while running hot. save, reload the geck, go for another round, pick another.


Lot's of coffee, a good witting tablet. note down 1-50 or what ever what you have done, for get about the data, MO is gathering up each instance in the Overwrite folder any way.


each plugin name can have it's own folder and thus allows you you move the items above or bellow and see how the effects occur in game. That above shot is with our project Optimized files, smaller parts of Vurts for grass changes only Just the grass items to see what gets changed, the next shot will show more details. Also, this shot has Obscurum - Unnatural Selection Eleventh Update-17937-Beta-11 installed so I get rid of nag screens for quest stages, that mod turns off a lot of stuff. and gives me things I need, lighting, weather types, colors, things above Vanilla to take the Edge off a bit. below is another example.




I know from doing things, a lot of people will spend way too much time looking for a perfected game and just see it get Wiped out because it's all confined with in the data folder. Mo gives us all Much better control over what and where things go, it opens up a door we were not supposed to have access too.


incredible application !!


Drag and drop..


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Mo's folder control...NOTE: you Can take parts of any mod sub folders and drop them into mo as if they are a mod as long as the file path remains the same as the game ,assets ..you can literally pick and choose exactly the parts you need with out having to build a mod.


No Fomm, NO Loot, No NMM, NO sort order that requires an internet connection, or some dumb template to force an issue.


Weapons, armor ,parts of anything can be selected and dropped into Mo folder MOD folder, and you can move them above or bellow to test.


"hit and miss" Trial and error.


There are the basics ,then there is "personal choice".


EDIT: I hate fallout's crummy rocks, I want to see real granite, I want to see "real rock texture ,not some facsimile"


all that grey ! looks just awful. Bland ,just ruins the immersion of a 3d world space Environment.

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I apologize for my absence, I have been extremely busy.


My dad recently began a remodel and needed my help. I've spent the past few days doing demo work in near 100 degree weather. It's alright, though, It's the kind of hard work I should be putting out into the world at my age. Keeps me in shape. Anyway, Now is the first time I've even had my computer on since Saturday. I have, however, been following everything here from my phone. Tomorrow is the first half-way free day I will have and I'd like to spend some time getting this going again on my end now that I have a fresh system.

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  • 4 months later...

Sent update PM on Steam.

Gathered up all criteria so far required.

I have built a brand new patch for the main games Environment for testing as soon as I get back from the store, shopping day.


two versions will be available.

  1. Fallout only.
  2. Fallout + DLC content "only"

FOSE removed, no Encoding possible due to hard coded data within the master files.



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