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werewolf tweeks


Werewolf improvements  

105 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you like to see as improvements to the Skyrim werewolf system?

    • Life detection (constant sense of smell)
    • slow constant regeneration (like bloodmoon werewolf)
    • Variety in pelt coloration
    • feeding on animals
    • other? Feel free to comment below.
    • All of the above!

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Werewolf slow regeneration: I liked the slow 1 hp pr second regeneration as a werewolf.

Werewolf sense: in wolf form I want a life detect ability. Shouldn't a wolf know how to smell his prey?

Jump just a little higher.


More complex but necessities:

Variety: Come on Bethesda! Not all animals or people look the exact same! Why should your werewolves?

Feed on animals too: I think this is nice idea, especially when travailing cross country with few bandits to eat to extend werewolf time.

Ability to infect spouse if married

When using "roar" other werewolves transform and help you, such as companions


Bloodmoon Solstheim Remade with a new Bloodmoon quest. I'm curious about it now it's 200 years after the original event.



If you have good ideas comment or link them to this thread please! I want to be able to just show potential modders this thread.

Edited by jmilldog
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Werewolf slow regeneration: I liked the slow 1 hp pr second regeneration as a werewolf.

Werewolf sense: in wolf form I want a life detect ability. Shouldn't a wolf know how to smell his prey?

Jump just a little higher.


More complex but necessities:

Variety: Come on Bethesda! Not all animals or people look the exact same! Why should your werewolves?

Feed on animals too: I think this is nice idea, especially when travailing cross country with few bandits to eat to extend werewolf time.

Ability to infect spouse if married

When using "roar" other werewolves transform and help you, such as companions


Bloodmoon Solstheim Remade with a new Bloodmoon quest. I'm curious about it now it's 200 years after the original event.


Well, if you continue on the companions quest line there actually is a detect life ability, its a howl though which you can learn later. As for having other weres help you there is also a howl that will summon two wolves to fight with you as well.


I dont know about the slow regen, I kind of like having to feed to regain health it makes it feel much more like I HAVE to feed which is how I like it, and also you bring up a great point that you should be able to feed on animals as well, though perhaps for less HP and only 15 or 20 extra seconds of bloodlust perhaps as it isnt as much of a challenge to kill them and also the ability to infect your spouse would be truly amazing. I would love to be able to share my gift with my love scouts even though he doesnt join me in my adventures (maybe something else to fix for anyone else reading this) and then be able to ravage the country side as only two loving wolf mates can.


Also with variety is another good point, perhaps something that bases off of your normal forms colors? or perhaps certain rings you can wear before you transform? or maybe just completely random, who knows.



Personally I would also like a mod (now this would be just for fun) that would allow us to disable bloodlust running out of time. When I get in the mood to go all feral on people, Id like to be able to just destroy everyone and not have to worry about when I am going to transform back while fighting 20 people at once. Of course I wouldnt use it all the time and perhaps we could just have a ring that allows this so you can disable or enable it easily.

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Werewolf slow regeneration: I liked the slow 1 hp pr second regeneration as a werewolf.

Werewolf sense: in wolf form I want a life detect ability. Shouldn't a wolf know how to smell his prey?

Jump just a little higher.


More complex but necessities:

Variety: Come on Bethesda! Not all animals or people look the exact same! Why should your werewolves?

Feed on animals too: I think this is nice idea, especially when travailing cross country with few bandits to eat to extend werewolf time.

Ability to infect spouse if married

When using "roar" other werewolves transform and help you, such as companions


Bloodmoon Solstheim Remade with a new Bloodmoon quest. I'm curious about it now it's 200 years after the original event.


Well, if you continue on the companions quest line there actually is a detect life ability, its a howl though which you can learn later. As for having other weres help you there is also a howl that will summon two wolves to fight with you as well.


I dont know about the slow regen, I kind of like having to feed to regain health it makes it feel much more like I HAVE to feed which is how I like it, and also you bring up a great point that you should be able to feed on animals as well, though perhaps for less HP and only 15 or 20 extra seconds of bloodlust perhaps as it isnt as much of a challenge to kill them and also the ability to infect your spouse would be truly amazing. I would love to be able to share my gift with my love scouts even though he doesnt join me in my adventures (maybe something else to fix for anyone else reading this) and then be able to ravage the country side as only two loving wolf mates can.


Also with variety is another good point, perhaps something that bases off of your normal forms colors? or perhaps certain rings you can wear before you transform? or maybe just completely random, who knows.



Personally I would also like a mod (now this would be just for fun) that would allow us to disable bloodlust running out of time. When I get in the mood to go all feral on people, Id like to be able to just destroy everyone and not have to worry about when I am going to transform back while fighting 20 people at once. Of course I wouldnt use it all the time and perhaps we could just have a ring that allows this so you can disable or enable it easily.


I like your no time limit idea. It would work really good. Maybe make it so when you get the Ring of Hercine which is suppose to according to lore control transformation, so why not make it so you can be a wolf as long as you want.


As for your comment on the variety idea. I like the idea of having the fur color based on the character's appearance.

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Werewolf slow regeneration: I liked the slow 1 hp pr second regeneration as a werewolf.

Werewolf sense: in wolf form I want a life detect ability. Shouldn't a wolf know how to smell his prey?

Jump just a little higher.


More complex but necessities:

Variety: Come on Bethesda! Not all animals or people look the exact same! Why should your werewolves?

Feed on animals too: I think this is nice idea, especially when travailing cross country with few bandits to eat to extend werewolf time.

Ability to infect spouse if married

When using "roar" other werewolves transform and help you, such as companions


Bloodmoon Solstheim Remade with a new Bloodmoon quest. I'm curious about it now it's 200 years after the original event.


Well, if you continue on the companions quest line there actually is a detect life ability, its a howl though which you can learn later. As for having other weres help you there is also a howl that will summon two wolves to fight with you as well.


I dont know about the slow regen, I kind of like having to feed to regain health it makes it feel much more like I HAVE to feed which is how I like it, and also you bring up a great point that you should be able to feed on animals as well, though perhaps for less HP and only 15 or 20 extra seconds of bloodlust perhaps as it isnt as much of a challenge to kill them and also the ability to infect your spouse would be truly amazing. I would love to be able to share my gift with my love scouts even though he doesnt join me in my adventures (maybe something else to fix for anyone else reading this) and then be able to ravage the country side as only two loving wolf mates can.


Also with variety is another good point, perhaps something that bases off of your normal forms colors? or perhaps certain rings you can wear before you transform? or maybe just completely random, who knows.



Personally I would also like a mod (now this would be just for fun) that would allow us to disable bloodlust running out of time. When I get in the mood to go all feral on people, Id like to be able to just destroy everyone and not have to worry about when I am going to transform back while fighting 20 people at once. Of course I wouldnt use it all the time and perhaps we could just have a ring that allows this so you can disable or enable it easily.


I like your no time limit idea. It would work really good. Maybe make it so when you get the Ring of Hercine which is suppose to according to lore control transformation, so why not make it so you can be a wolf as long as you want.


As for your comment on the variety idea. I like the idea of having the fur color based on the character's appearance.


I would actaully love to be able to control the transformation, fo ras long as we want and without a transformation limit per day.

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Higher jump height would be very nice... and maybe instead of making the health regen, make the werewolf tougher in general. Also add benefits that are mostly minor to the PC in human form, not sure what.

I also want the werewolf to be able to use Shouts in beast form, as you are the dragonborn. Another thing that most people might not know: when you encounter spiderwebs blocking the way, you can't cut through them as a werewolf. Fix this. Be able to turn the transformation off when you are done: waiting around like an idiot because you can't interact with a character sucks. A bigger variety in pelts is cool too but I really don't care. I also agree, make companions who are with you turn into wolves when you do (I have Aela as my companion and I want her to transform too!) Being able to infect others is nice...

Finally, MAKE THE RING OF HIRCINE GOOD! I want full control of my transformations when I wear that. Be able to go in and out of beast form whenever I want. Maybe make it harder to get as a result idk...

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... Make the bloodlust meter work.

... Give me "exit form" button.


Is my main wish.


Color should be based of your skin and hair color I believe, but I noticed really minimalistic variations in the fur color. Would be cool if you could customize it more.


... Make the Ring pernament with on/off button.


... Fix the part where if you transfor with armor, you get the weight x2 after you transform back.


...Make it possible to pick up items.




Well, basically I would like to play as a werewolf a hell lot more, but that would requie the looting and most of the above :D

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Personally I like the fact that the transformation's only temporary, and that you have to feed to extend it. That said, things mentioned above that I definitely agree with:

- need some kind of timer so I know how much longer I've got (preferably a bar or meter rather than a countdown)

- Ring of Hircine should allow me to transform back to human at will rather than giving me extra transformations. Additionally, I think that when I use the ring, it should save the amount of time I have remaining and let me reuse the power later in the day with that amount of time. And yes, make it so the ring stays on.

- feeding on animals! And I like the idea that it wouldn't be as good as NPCs.

- allow me to pick up up to two weapons. It's too much of an immersion-breaker for me if I can actually access my full inventory, but even in wolf form I clearly still have hands rather than paws - let me use them!


The main downside to the Ring of Hircine tweak is it makes the thing way less useful. Sure it reduces the standing-around-because-I-just-want-to-go-into-town time, but I like that the Ring lets me spend more time in wolf form. So I say: do both. Give me an extra transformation AND allow me to come out of transformations at will.


A few of my own ideas:

- should not have to choose between the roars. My guess is the game only requires the choice to avoid dealing with the question of "how do you equip a specific roar when you can't access your powers screen?". Well, it can't be that hard. Maybe just auto-hotkey them.

- on the rare occasions when I encounter a non-hostile NPC, I should be able to talk to them. After all, Sinding can do it.

- should be able to sneak. I know, I know, wolves are extremely loud and clumsy creatures, completely incapable of stalking their prey... what? They aren't? Well shucks...


Not sure what to say about the ending-up-naked thing; on the one hand, it's nice fluff. On the other, it doesn't really affect gameplay: maybe if donning armor took some time, then you'd have to be really careful about engaging in combat while transformed because you might come out at the wrong time and be completely vulnerable. But it's less of a threat when I can put my Daedric gear back on in the time it takes for my attackers to realize I'm not a wolf anymore. As a result, unequipping everything is really just a nuisance. So I vote for one of the following:

- either get rid of it, and let me come out of wolf form wearing/wielding exactly what I was going in, or

- keep it, but make a mod that allows me to favorite entire sets of gear, so I only have to suffer through one click/button press to get it back on, rather than interrupting a fight to do 10 minutes of inventory spelunking.

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