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werewolf tweeks


Werewolf improvements  

105 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you like to see as improvements to the Skyrim werewolf system?

    • Life detection (constant sense of smell)
    • slow constant regeneration (like bloodmoon werewolf)
    • Variety in pelt coloration
    • feeding on animals
    • other? Feel free to comment below.
    • All of the above!

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just a simple mod that makes werewolf transformation (Beast Form) a toggle spell would be enough for me... but looting also would be nice (and many things mentioned above)! ;)
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Being able to feed on animals and having the option to transform to and from werewolf form would be very welcome tweaks. A first person option would also be nice to have as I, and I'm sure others, have had issues when fighting in dungeons and the like.


The one thing I would really like to see is werewolf form getting some sort of damage reduction. Perhaps a passive damage resist as the character levels up (similar to how the form gets an increase to melee damage every few levels). Personally, I don't feel very powerful when I get hit twice and die in melee (Briarheart) or when 1/4 of my health is depleted after getting hit by an arrow (Bandit Thug) at level 42 with 500+ health in werewolf form :wallbash:

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Just throwing this out here...


What if when you your life drains to 0 your werewolf form takes over giving you like 15-20% health back.


Would give you a chance to finish your opponent and consume them, or run away and regenerate if that feature is added.




It's too bad skills look to be hardcoded yet again, I would add a skill and perk tree to everything in this game if I had my way...


Dovahkiin shout perks, vampire perks, werewolf perks............ ....


A man can dream.

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Another suggestion. Transforming needs to be way, WAY faster. The current default animation takes forever and it makes it quite a bother to transform into a werewolf while in combat (which is when you'll be transforming most of the time) since you're very vulnerable while transforming. The animation either needs to be sped up so it only takes a second or two, or (I prefer this option) the player needs to be made invulnerable while transforming, so that you can see the animation in it's full glory but won't be killed while doing it.

Also, there needs to be a first person option while a werewolf, since combat is better in first person. The player should be able to use Dragon Shouts and items like healing potions while transformed, as it is currently too hard to remain alive as a werewolf if low on health, since feeding takes time (which also leaves you vulnerable), and if the player is low on health and there are no bodies to feast on it is not possible to restore health. And that leads to running away until the transformation is over. And that doesn't make me feel very much like a werewolf.

Your resilience while transformed needs a huge buff too, and maybe damage too, since whenever I play as a werewolf I find the only way to kill the tougher enemies is to stunlock them with the dual-swipe and cherry tap them to death. That is boring.

The player should be forced to transform at least once per week, or they will transform at the end of that week.

Other than that I agree with all of the changes in the poll.

TL;DL: Playing as a werewolf currently is a bit underwhelming and makes me feel like a wimp. Options in werewolf form are too limited.

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My werewolf system



- werewolf able to eat anything, some things give more health than others.


-Werewolf should have a walking on all fours animation for sneaking and stalking purposes


-bite attack


-Werewolves should have intimidating breathing sound with a lot of bass in the sound. Similar to deathclaws of fallout 3 and new vegas.


- other werewolves should recognise that I'm a werewolf when I'm in human form.


-wolves should not attack while in human form


-There should be a level up system as a werewolf seperate from your characters human form. In example, your character can be a level 20 in human form but starts off as level 1 in werewolf form. Werewolf is treated as its own character.


-new abilitys and perk tree if possible.


-werewolves should have more hp as you have it longer


-damage should get stronger when werewolf levels up


- button for execution so you can execute at will.


- werewolves should slowly regenerate health in combat.


- werewolves shouldnt be able to pick up any silver items, with the exception of quest items that are silver if any.


- random savage werewolves that appear at night that are unable to take human form again.


- savage werewolves can give you werewolf disease.


- if you have the disease the player automatically turns at a certain time at night uncontrollably. Basically the same system as the bloodmoon expansion from morrowind


- werewolf clans, that live in secluded huge caves. Caves are modded in.


- random encounters of silver hand group hunting down werewolves.


- Enemys in the game that can also turn into werewolves and attack if you are not a werewolf or help if you are a werewolf


-Ability for player to start their own clan and recruit other werewolves



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Just throwing this out here...


What if when you your life drains to 0 your werewolf form takes over giving you like 15-20% health back.


Would give you a chance to finish your opponent and consume them, or run away and regenerate if that feature is added.




It's too bad skills look to be hardcoded yet again, I would add a skill and perk tree to everything in this game if I had my way...


Dovahkiin shout perks, vampire perks, werewolf perks............ ....


A man can dream.


Sorta like a last stand idea? I think that would make sence. If you are about to die you pull out all the stops and go for it. Makes sense.

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