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werewolf tweeks


Werewolf improvements  

105 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you like to see as improvements to the Skyrim werewolf system?

    • Life detection (constant sense of smell)
    • slow constant regeneration (like bloodmoon werewolf)
    • Variety in pelt coloration
    • feeding on animals
    • other? Feel free to comment below.
    • All of the above!

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Wow, so much stuff I never even thought of. All I came here for was to ask for a mod to make me able to interact with doors and maybe containers while in beastform. I have two hands afterall, I'm pretty sure I can manipulate things.


So yeah, Things I really liked here.


-Eat animals for time.

-Increased resistance to damage, possibly based on highest armor skill. Feat benefits of highest armor skill transfer to beastform.

-Claw attacks count as One Handed attacks. Feat Benefits of non-weapon specific One Handed feats tranfer to beastform.

-Ability to sneak in beastform. I like the idea of being on all fours for stalking/sneaking. Attacking from stealth could be a bite attack to account for it being slower.

-Skill bonus to Heavy Armor, Light Armor, One Handed and Sneaking while in beastform.

-Able to earn skill in highest armor skill and One Handed skill.

-Able to earn skill in Sneaking, Pickpocketing and Lockpicking.

-Higher Health in beastform, measured in percent of normal Health.

-Retain benefits of magical gear.

-Retain equipment when reverting from beastform.

-Regen faster, possibly increased after feeding for short time.

-Friendly with Werewolves. Werewolves and wolves will defend you in or out of beastform.

-Invulnerability during transformation.

-Instant transformation when reduced to 0 HP with a 20% instant heal. Transformation interrupts killing blows. Works for NPC Werewolves too, unless killing blow is a sneak attack.

-Ability to switch howls at will.

-Use of howls on Werewolves out of beastform induces transformation.

-Ability to detect life.

-Jump higher.

-Ability to manipulate objects, containers and interior doors. Preferably able to loot corpses and feed with a different key, possibly attacking a corpse initiates feeding.


Ability to turn these on or off, probably in the ini, would be good too. I would definately want all of them, then Werewolves would be Werewolves.


So, of all these, in order from most important to least, what do you really want in a Skyrim werewolf mod?


For me, it's:

1. The ability to loot, manipulate objects, and access your inventory, and the lockpicking that goes with that.

2. The ability to sneak, especially on all fours, because what is a predator without the ability to stalk his prey?

3. The ability to transform whenever you want, as many times as you want, and stay a werewolf as long as you want.

4. Automatically re-equip the equipment you had on before, or failing that, the ability to favorite sets of equipment so you can put it back on with the push of a button.

5. Reducing the werewolf in size slightly, so you can fit through any opening that your human character can.


After that, everything else is just icing on the cake.

Edited by immortalfrieza
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My werewolf system


- werewolf able to eat anything, some things give more health than others.

-Werewolf should have a walking on all fours animation for sneaking and stalking purposes

-bite attack

-Werewolves should have intimidating breathing sound with a lot of bass in the sound. Similar to deathclaws of fallout 3 and new vegas.

- other werewolves should recognise that I'm a werewolf when I'm in human form.

-wolves should not attack while in human form

-There should be a level up system as a werewolf seperate from your characters human form. In example, your character can be a level 20 in human form but starts off as level 1 in werewolf form. Werewolf is treated as its own character.

-new abilitys and perk tree if possible.

-werewolves should have more hp as you have it longer

-damage should get stronger when werewolf levels up

- button for execution so you can execute at will.

- werewolves should slowly regenerate health in combat.

- werewolves shouldnt be able to pick up any silver items, with the exception of quest items that are silver if any.

- random savage werewolves that appear at night that are unable to take human form again.

- savage werewolves can give you werewolf disease.

- if you have the disease the player automatically turns at a certain time at night uncontrollably. Basically the same system as the bloodmoon expansion from morrowind

- werewolf clans, that live in secluded huge caves. Caves are modded in.

- random encounters of silver hand group hunting down werewolves.

- Enemys in the game that can also turn into werewolves and attack if you are not a werewolf or help if you are a werewolf

-Ability for player to start their own clan and recruit other werewolves


I agree with everything except slow health regen. If the mod will enable us to feed on any organic enemy, which I really hope it will, there'll be no need for health regen IMO.

Also, I really want a mod that enable us to switch the transformation on and off without time limit. Sometimes I just want to give in to the hunt and wander the roads looking for prey to slaughter. Maybe Bloodlust could be turned into a minor damage/defense/magic-resist that increase in effectiveness and duration every time you feed and decrease with time and when you lose health points. Low rank preys would give the smallest amount of time and buff effectiveness, while high rank preys would give the highest. The soul gems/soul trap system could be used as a base for deciding how much each victim eaten would increase Bloodlust buff and duration. And maybe a bar, that stars empty, fills up when you feed and decrease with time, could be added to show us how our Bloodlust buff is going.


Of course, the buff should have a max limit and shouldn't be overpowering. Just a minor buff is perfectly fine by me. And, of course, it shouldn't be too easy to fill the bar as well.


Edit: @Immortalfrieza

I don't agree with points 1 and 6. Werewolves shouldn't be able to do thing that would require a certain finesse IMO. It wouldn't make sense to me. And having smaller werewolves wouldn't make sense to me as well. Also, staying in werewolf form should have some negative sides and those 2 points would be too beneficial with no downsides whatsoever. And since the mod would let us transform whenever and as many times we want, there wouldn't be much reason to let werewolf form loot, manipulate objects and so on.


But I couldn't agree more with points 2, 3 and 4.

Edited by BMenegroth
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So, of all these, in order from most important to least, what do you really want in a Skyrim werewolf mod?


For me, it's:

1. The ability to loot, manipulate objects, and access your inventory, and the lockpicking that goes with that.

2. The ability to sneak, especially on all fours, because what is a predator without the ability to stalk his prey?

3. The ability to transform whenever you want, as many times as you want, and stay a werewolf as long as you want.

4. Automatically re-equip the equipment you had on before, or failing that, the ability to favorite sets of equipment so you can put it back on with the push of a button.

5. Reducing the werewolf in size slightly, so you can fit through any opening that your human character can.


After that, everything else is just icing on the cake.

1. Increased survivability - through gaining increased armor and armor bonuses from armor skills, plus at least minimum if not increased regen

2. The ability to manipulate objects, access inventory (without the ability to equip, nor unequiop anything. Everything I'm wearing is literally a part of my body,) loot, lockpick - in that order.

3. Auto re-equip after transofrmation, while maintaining all magical bonuses during transofrmation.

4. The ability to sneak and pickpocket.

5. The ability to gain levels in relevant skill while transformed, as well as have bonuses to relevant skills while transofrmed.


I don't care about the ability to change more often. I'm fine with once a day. I'm also fine with the tranformation being uninteruptable, though a bar indicating how much longer would be nice. I also don't mind being unable to get through certain areas, as long as other things that are of equivilent size also can't. I like being extra big.


I'm most concerned with not being made out of paper, and also being able to run rampant through an entire dungeon, not change in the first room and then find I'm stuck there because a door is blocking my way, and my huge hands are aparently useless for all things hand related.

Edited by KalSpiro
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I would like to see my character unavoidably change into a werewolf after a period of time (say 14 days without a change) and stay in werewolf form for the full duration of a night and I'd like the moons to have an effect if possible.
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I highly recommend that you guys check this thread oyt on the bethesda forums. A guy says he's going to make a werewolf mod and I added ideas there. So I also would like you guys to chip in there too because it can help the mod overall.



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Well ive been playing a lot as a wolf and those are my wishes:


- The damage and Health scaling in high lvls are horrible. In th beginning the wolf was extremly powerful, now my bow deals way more dmg than wolfform and thanks to my armor i live longer.

- The fear howl needs to scale with the level. The shout doesn't affect my enemies annymore(only up to lvl 25)


- Higher jumps in wolf form


- I love the transforrm animation, but changing in combat is sure death, so i godmode for transforamtion

-Some wy to transform back to human

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I would like to see werewolves being able to jump very high. Maybe like 10-15 feet in the air? As stated in the book of werewolves or whatever, our thighs get more extremely powerful. So that would be nice to have increased jumping. It would also provide certain combat advantages like jumping over people etc.


I like life detection, I don't mind smaller/bigger werewolves. Like female werewolves should probably be smaller but faster.


Could make it so that the male/females have different traits. so females are faster but the males have more health/armor/power or something.


could make the fur color based on player's hair color. So a red head, is a red color wolf etc. Could probably change the iris color as well to whatever you have chosen.


Damage reduction or armor or... something.


Sneaking on all fours and silver hand hunting party showing up at random.


.. you know what? just about everything listed in this thread would be good.

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