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werewolf tweeks


Werewolf improvements  

105 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you like to see as improvements to the Skyrim werewolf system?

    • Life detection (constant sense of smell)
    • slow constant regeneration (like bloodmoon werewolf)
    • Variety in pelt coloration
    • feeding on animals
    • other? Feel free to comment below.
    • All of the above!

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Reverse animation for the werewolf... literally play the animation in reverse at the end of the run so you transform back... nakie is fine but the "poof" at the end of your werewolf run is dissapointing in comparrison with the transformation animation. Also feeding on animals! I voted on that one.
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I like the idea of you being able to "Smell" or "Sense" other Werewolf types. This would be in keeping with the lore of Lycanthropy as well. And Vampires, to rip a page from the "Underworld" playbook, are mortal enemies of Werewolves and as such the 2 attack each other mercilessly on sight. Perhaps make it so that if a Vampire is within say 500ft of you, the urge to transform to combat him/her makes your bloodlust surge and you lose control of your ability to hold off your transformation. Lot's of idea's that anybody can go on here.




Yes make Werewolves a bit more muscular.

Edited by Reaper0021
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all What i want to be able to do more with a werewolf is being able to break those spiderweb walls.. and being able to break locked doors or atleast the lock so you can open the door...

Don't really care too much about loot since i can gather that afterwards but the locked doors and spiderweb walls ...

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