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Selene glared at the man and said "What do you mean is she all right?! Assassins dont usually ask how their victims are!, thats right i know what you are, and you will have to kill me before i let you hurt her!... and i assure you, killing me is no easy task drow!"

"I'm not an assassin. I care for Nawen more than you think." The drow sheathed his weapon. "I'm not going to fight you."

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Selene sheathed her fans and looked at the man: she had a feeling he was telling the truth she said "You care for her?... i don't understand, she told me... well what she told me is private, and who are you? if your not here to Assassinate Nawen then why on Nirn are you here?" Selene was curious.

"I am looking for her. We've been apart for so long." He took off his hood and looked at the woman. The deep sadness was visible in his lavender eyes. He had few scars on his face. "I've met the villagers and found out that Nawen stayed in the village that was about to be attacked. I gave the amulet with the symbol of Lloth to one girl and asked her to give this to her. I had hoped she will come here but it seems she knows about our people more than I thought she does." The man stayed silent for a moment. "I just want to see her again. Please, tell me where she is."


This is how he looks like. I know this is the picture of Drizzt but her father obviously isn't Drizzt. :D This is the most appealing picture of drow male I found. :D



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Selene looked at the scars on the mans face, and studied him briefly she then said"I... i will take you to her, just give me one moment" Selene walked off into a nearby alley and found a lowlife, she drank him dry and was fully replenished she walked back to the Drow and said "Come on, follow i will take you to her, And my name is Selene by the way" She led him to the tavern, she walked in her usual way, as if she were on a catwalk, she led him into the inn, as she walked through the door she said "Nawen my dear, there is someone that wishes to see you" And she held the male drows hand gently, and led him to Nawen. Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Selene looked at the scars on the mans face, and studied him briefly she then said"I... i will take you to her, just give me one moment" Selene walked off into a nearby alley and found a lowlife, she drank him dry and was fully replenished she walked back to the Drow and said "Come on, follow i will take you to her, And my name is Selene by the way" She led him to the tavern, she walked in her usual way, as if she were on a catwalk, she led him into the inn, as she walked through the door she said "Nawen my dear, there is someone that wishes to see you" And she held the male drows hand gently, and led him to Nawen.


Aardorns pipe almost fell from his mouth. That was a drow, who wanted to see Nawen. Assassin?... He was about to draw his sword, but he thought better of it. He still kept his hand on the hilt

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Selene looked at the scars on the mans face, and studied him briefly she then said"I... i will take you to her, just give me one moment" Selene walked off into a nearby alley and found a lowlife, she drank him dry and was fully replenished she walked back to the Drow and said "Come on, follow i will take you to her, And my name is Selene by the way" She led him to the tavern, she walked in her usual way, as if she were on a catwalk, she led him into the inn, as she walked through the door she said "Nawen my dear, there is someone that wishes to see you" And she held the male drows hand gently, and led him to Nawen.

The man followed Selene. "And my name is Valdur." Once they were both in the inn he noticed the hooded female. He smiled and sighed in relief.


Nawen was sitting in her seat and looking at her mug when she heard Selene. She raised her head only to see that she was with some man... a drow. She went closer, curiously looking at the man. Something was so familiar about him. "Vendui, dalharil." The man said to Nawen. As soon as she heard his voice, tears formed in her eyes. "Father!" She yelled and hugged the man. Valdur hugged his daughter and kissed her forehead. He missed her so much and now his little girl was right here with him. Few tears escaped his eyes.


OOC: Vendui, dalharil means hello daughter. I think... hope that website is correct. :laugh:

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Selene was soon crying herself, a long trail of black mascara was running down her face she looked at them both and smiled she then went to a table on her own and began to weep, it was not that she was jealous, just that seeing someone reunited with their loved one brought back memories, so many memories of her loved one's and her beloved husband. Oh how she longed to see her beloved again. Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Selene looked at the scars on the mans face, and studied him briefly she then said"I... i will take you to her, just give me one moment" Selene walked off into a nearby alley and found a lowlife, she drank him dry and was fully replenished she walked back to the Drow and said "Come on, follow i will take you to her, And my name is Selene by the way" She led him to the tavern, she walked in her usual way, as if she were on a catwalk, she led him into the inn, as she walked through the door she said "Nawen my dear, there is someone that wishes to see you" And she held the male drows hand gently, and led him to Nawen.

The man followed Selene. "And my name is Valdur." Once they were both in the inn he noticed the hooded female. He smiled and sighed in relief.


Nawen was sitting in her seat and looking at her mug when she heard Selene. She raised her head only to see that she was with some man... a drow. She went closer, curiously looking at the man. Something was so familiar about him. "Vendui, dalharil." The man said to Nawen. As soon as she heard his voice, tears formed in her eyes. "Father!" She yelled and hugged the man. Valdur hugged his daughter and kissed her forehead. He missed her so much and now his little girl was right here with him. Few tears escaped his eyes.


OOC: Vendui, dalharil means hello daughter. I think... hope that website is correct. :laugh:


"Damn it." Aardorn whispered, he hoped the man hadn't heard. He hated it when people spoke in languages he didn't know. But maybe he was a hypocrite, he often spoke in languages few others knew Aardorn looked at them, he smiled slightly.

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When both of them calmed down they sat at the table to talk. Valdur looked around. "It seems you have found some friends." He said as he looked at Selene, Aardorn and Edward.

Nawen noticed that Selene was crying. She came closer and placed her hand on Selene's shoulder.

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