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"What...? They speak in squeaks! How can they be friends?" Aardorn said, this was stupid, their a damn animal which he hated, with good reason!

She started at Aardorn. Rangers in this world were so different than the ones in her homeland. Or at least how they should be. "They can be much better friends than people who can speak. They can comfort you without words, they will never insult you or attack you for no reason."

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"What...? They speak in squeaks! How can they be friends?" Aardorn said, this was stupid, their a damn animal which he hated, with good reason!

She started at Aardorn. Rangers in this world were so different than the ones in her homeland. Or at least how they should be. "They can be much better friends than people who can speak. They can comfort you without words, they will never insult you or attack you for no reason."


"Oh really? Someone ought to tell the ones from my childhood. Who cares about rabbits? The world is destroyed enough without more environmentalists!"

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Dirmire was now at the river and he jumped in. He swam upstream for a bit then stopped he got out an net and started to cast it out.


Aardorn laughed at this, he walked over to the pool, and sat for a minute, then he grabbed a fish in his fist. He smashed it repeatedly off a nearby rock to kill it "Lunch is served mate" He said, chucking it at Dirmire

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Dirmire walked out the river soaking wet. He had cuaght ten fish. They were still flapping in the net which he gave Nawen.


Aardorn bit the head off the fish he caught. he spat the head onto the ground and began to bite the flesh off it "I wonder, is the rabbit telling it's friends,'OI, there is this strange woman who saved me, lets go pester her, maybe she'll feed us'"

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"Let's hope that they are flesh eating rabbits so I could feed you to them." She said to Aardorn as she started cutting heads off the fishes.


OOC: He's eating raw fish? :blink:


"I hate rabbits, bring one of them near me, and I'll cut off it's head... then yours" He threatened

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