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The Adventures of Skyrim


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"The vast repository of knowledge is the mind, everything we could ever know is inside, but we need something to unlock it, training things that make us open up different pathways of our mind, we have to truly open it up to have any understanding of our thoughts, then we can process them, make consensus." Selene rambled on.


Aardorn had been listening in "I never thought you a philosopher, Selene" he said "I'm suprised, very nice speech, it makes sense. But the part about everything we could ever know being already inside is wrong, I believe. And, alas, I believe you are confusing Nawen and Dirmire."

Edited by Brutii
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"What," Dirmire said, "I think shes lost it," He whispered to Nawen.


Aardorn looked at him "She has certainly lost her marbles, but it is a very interesting idea, like one from a philosopher"

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Selene smiled at Aardorn and said "Well im glad someone can comprehend what i am saying, and i have taken a liking to philosophy, it is enjoyable to dwell on these things, really think on the fabrics of physical and non-physical things." She then said "The insane are usually blessed in some way, our mind is always open, constantly moving, breaking repairing itself like a well oiled machine." Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Aardorn looked at Selene "Seems to be something passed through the dawn, Coation was intrigued by it as well, he also lost his mind" then he looked at Nawen "It is rather simple to understand, she has just pitched it in a way few people would understand. Luckily for me, I went to school in my youth, odd considering my social standing, and learnt some philosophy. Went on to learn some more in later life, but this is new, and odd. I think she has gone totally nuts." Edited by Brutii
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"Basically i was saying that thoughts are a complicated thing, they do not truly exist, and can only be understood by a great deal of work by our mind. I was also saying that everything we could ever know is already in our mind, but it is locked away, for example by going to school and learning literature unlocks that pathway in our minds."
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