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The Adventures of Skyrim


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Idrith glanced at the woman again. "My child? She doesn't look older than me." She thought. "Well, I don't suppose you know Lord Aardorn or anyone who travels with him?" She asked and pointed to the heavy bag she left near a tent. The elf frowned as she remembered her struggle to get the damned bag here. "People from the nearby villages collected some stuff for the Lord, his friends and the soldiers." Idrith looked back at the mysterious woman.
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Aardorn climbed a tall and dark mountain, he went up to meet an old... acquittance. He reached the top and waited, then a figure appeared "Silence fills the empty grave, now that I have gone. But my mind is not at rest, for questions linger on. I will ask, and you will answer." the figure said in a deep voice which shook the foundations of the mountain. Aardorn stumbled, then spoke, but was cut off mid sentence

"Who, are you?"

"I? I am a monument to all your sins."


"Silence! I speak! Child of my enemy, why have you come? I offer no forgiveness, for a father's sins, passed to his son."

"What? Who are you?"

"I am peace; I am salvation."

Aardorns eyes opened wide in realisation "NO!"

"Now the gate has been unlatched, headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room, a fate you must abide!" the figure shouted


"Come, I owe you a casket."

"I have a score to settle with you!"

"Yes, of course you do"

"I do" he drew his sword, and pointed it at the creature

"Ah, yes, the brave one. Even faced with Death you won't snap. But now you will" Aardorns remaining friends and family appeared, and they began to burn to death, nothing could save them, and there was just ash left, even Selene couldn't survive

"YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!" Aardorn charged at Death

"You too shall know the tranquillity... of death" the figure's cloak ripped, and a horrifying creature rose into the air, it reached out toward Aardorn http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/a/ae/DC_Nightbringer.jpg/200px-DC_Nightbringer.jpg

Aardorn was paralysed, the hand covered his mouth, and the creature scythed him


Aardorn shot awake, he had fallen asleep on a log, he looked round and smiled "It was just a dream... I'm not dead..." he laughed and stood up, returning to the camp

Edited by Brutii
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Idrith raised an eyebrow. "What's with the 'my child' thing?" She thought but decided to say nothing about it. The elf walked around the camp for a bit. Her arms felt much better now. Maybe she could even lift and swing her own sword as well? Once she finished her short and quick walk around the camp she turned to the woman. Iodiria? The named was vaguely familiar. Idrith knew that she heard it somewhere. But where? "Idrith. And no. I'm afraid I can't remember. Should I know who you are?"
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"Is that so?" Idrith asked. She wasn't really interested in what this woman did or thinks she did. Present is what concerns her not some tales about past that no one remembers.


Nawen walked down the familiar streets. Lith My'athar. The city of good drow. It's been a while since she was here but everything looked pretty much the same. Same buildings, same people. She raised her head and sighed. There was only blackness above. In a way Nawen was happy to be back home amongst these good drow which remembered what she did and respected her. Far away from violence and war with the Thalmor but she also felt really bad for abandoning her friends. Nawen is loyal person and because of it she felt like she betrayed her friends by leaving them to deal with the war alone. Yes, some of their acts conflicted with her morals and what she valued. Nawen did things she did not wanted to do because of the loyalty. She will probably regret this but...

Nawen rushed back into the Temple of Lolth where The Seer was and looked around. The Seer was talking with one of her guards. "I want to go back." The drow said as she looked at the priestess.

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