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The Adventures of Skyrim


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"Well, i need a message to the dark elves in Skyrim, that would be the grey quarter in windhelm, and another to the dark elves on solstheim. I want you to tell them the day of rebirth is upon us, Morrowind shall be returned to it's former glory by I Sedura Dagoth: The Nerevarine, The goddess Iodiria." Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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"You are going to go to Skyrim, you have a house there no? go to windhelm and announce in the grey quarter exactly as i have told you, then get a boat from the docks to solstheim, have a guide take you to the dark elf settlements an announce the same. And after you have done that i shall see about finding this sister of yours."
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Nephenee Monroe looked columns of pine trees on each side of the dirt road with boredom. It had begun to snow, and snowflakes had begun to collect on the dark green needles.

Ahead, the snow began to clear and revealed some tents in the distance.

"Oh? A camp?" she said to herself. Rest.

Urging her brown horse on from a slow clop-clop to a trot, she entered the camp and looked around.

She looked for the nearest person and inquired as to what the camp was.


OOC: I announced my character in the Announcement thread. :D

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"You are going to go to Skyrim, you have a house there no? go to windhelm and announce in the grey quarter exactly as i have told you, then get a boat from the docks to solstheim, have a guide take you to the dark elf settlements an announce the same. And after you have done that i shall see about finding this sister of yours."



Gralengaard came over "well if u want i could send out a couple houndred werewolfs to do it im sure they will be faster than than old lump of useless meat"

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Dirmire turned around, "what did you call me?" he said as he looked at the warewolf."By the way I'm twenty three so you can piss off." Edited by Meciathe
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Dirmire turned around, "what did you call me?" he said as he looked at the warewolf."By the way I'm twenty three so you can piss off."



well im 5235 so i shouldt really be calling u old i guess

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"And if you both do not shut the hell up, i shall turn you both inside out!!!"


Selene was walking down the road, slowly, covered in ash and soot. She saw the woman walking and looked at her, she said "I f you want to go to the camp it is just there, i think there is a free tent although it will be a little.... burnt." Selene said, hloding out her hand and looking at her daedric metal nails.

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