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Buggy hawks in Solitude?


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So here's the problem, once you've exterminated all the hawks in Solitude.

They respawn, invincible! Well at least for me.


*Note* The 3 arrows that are sticking out of the hitboxes while you only need to hit the hawk once.



Is there anyone else who has this problem? Or even better! A solution?

Please let me know!



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Was killing all the hawks a quest??? I haven't heard of this one. All the animals re-spawn after a while unless they're in dungeons. That's not a bug.


It is not a quest for as far as I know of, I need the Hawk Feathers they drop for my professions. And so far, I have not encountered any vendor that has them for sale.

(also shooting hawks is way more fun.)


try reloading a save point or restarting the game I had a similar experience with some undead mob that took no damage, after reload for me it was fine


Restarting the game didn't work, also loading an earlier save (before the first time I killed them) did not work either. Unfortunately :(



Any chance that there is a console command for this? If that is the only way to fix it? My last option though.

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