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How do I equip lydia the companion? plz


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I give her a sword and she equips it, give her a bow and she doesn't use it, she uses her own, she's also wearing leather armor and whenever i give her other armor she just carries it and doesn't equip it, anybody know a solution for this? plz help, thanks
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Well you can open the console and right click on her and type removeallitems- this will zap everything she's carrying away permanently. then she'll equip most things you give her. Occasionally she'll end up back in default armor though if you do certain things. As for the bow im not too sure- this trick might work.
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She picks the best equipment to use from what you give her. At least, I'm pretty sure that's how it is supposed to work.

Personally haven't had problems with her, she's using the ebony set I gave her and the end-game weapons.


She does reset to default gear if she's not following you, but once you tell her to tag along, she changes back to the

best stuff she has in her inventory at the moment.

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She only uses better armor and weapons, than she is currently using - her defaults seem to be Iron Armor set (without helmet) and probably Imperial Bow - So give any better armor or weapon to her and she uses it.
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