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The Dragonborn Legacy


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As of yet, I have no prior experience modding TES but am starting on 3ds max etc, irrelevant however.


Here are two threads that may give you ideas for weapons and armor, one is mine, the other is full of requests but the OP has abandoned all hope and fled to Falkreath.


Suey's Mod Wishlist


If you can draw it I can model it



Again, these are not requests of your team, merely resources that may provide inspiration :)

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Reading over your quest thread a second time, I must say that the Uroboros doesn't really have a place in the mod. Sure it would be a nice addition to the game, but the mod really just revolves around the dragons and the dragonborn. Sorry, but I must decline to hosting your mod as a side quest. I wish you luck in getting your mod running. :wink:

The Uroboros thing was just an idea. I said I was perfectly comfortable using a Spriggan retexture (like the Spriggan Matron) for the monster.


Thanks anyway. I'm looking forward to seeing how your mod turns out.

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Not sure why but I had a thought about this particular mod idea.



The Blades, once the Empires most Elite forces, have been crippled by the Aldmeri Dominion and now only a few remain. Those that are left have found the next Dovahkiin, Dragonborn, and look to return to their role as Dragon hunters.


But all is not well and the Aldmeri Dominion still lurk on the horizon waiting to topple a weakened Empire and claim all of Tamriel for themselves. New alliances must be made at the cost of sacrificing the ideals they have sworn to uphold.


I think this would help this mod fit in nicely with both Improving the Blades and Dragon Riders of Skyrim though they may have to be three seperate, compatible projects.


EDIT: To clarify, the Blades would realise they are too few to hunt Dragons effectively and also the larger threat of the Aldmeri Dominion

Edited by Drytor
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I'm willing to do some voice acting for you if you'd be able to use me =), and not how many of the spots are taken so far, as well as I'm willing to do some concept art as long as it's not too much, my art studies keep me chained behind my easel quite a lot already, so =P

Let me know if you want me to record a sort of audition or something, also would you know a better recording program then audacity, would be awsome too. Especialy if it would have the function to stream in input directly back into the headphones, it's sometimes usefull to hear what you're doing or sound like when recording stuff.



I don't know if this is of any interest to you guys, but I feel like the conversations are about as static in Skyrim as they used to be in Oblivion... Wouldn't it be more fun to add some more idle posses and even guestures to the conversations? Not talking all Italian assasin's creed style, a little less than that ofcourse... But a well placed facepalm does give more expression than only a sigh and complaint from an npc, if you get what I mean? =)

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I sent Logiwink a PM about working in parallel for the Blades mod and I gave tomhughes the kickstart he needed to do his Dragon Riders mod, so you can count on at least tomhughes and I to have compatible mods if not Logiwink's as well. About the Aldmeri Dominion, I'm sure there will be another mod popping up soon to address them and if not then our mods will have to make a conjoined sequel to deal with them.



Instructions to joining the team are at the top of the OP. In the way of Concept Art, modding is a hobby so there are no deadlines - you take things at your own pace plus Kunrohk does concept art so you'd split the work with him and me.



For anyone still confused on what this mod does:


The player's actions will dictate the outcome of this mod and thus the outcome of the game. The player can ignore his responsibilities as dragonborn, he can be deprived of his thu'um, he can raise an army of dragons or even become the new World Eater himself. Whatever the outcome may be, remember that each choice one makes will have grave consequences and backlashes.

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this is just awesome! I'd love to see this done!


I wish I could help...but I'm still studying about everything I only know somethings about photoshop right now...


what I can help with is Translations to Spanish lol...


Glad you guys are already working on things like this

Edited by domaik
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Very interested.


I was wondering - what position do the Fallen Greybeards have on Alduin? Do they see him as righteous, or are they just people who want to see the world burn?


Because I'm writing a fanfiction oneshot from Alduin's PoV, and if you had any use for it as a book, I'd gladly give you it when I'm finished. It's basically how Alduin came to hate the humans for not bowing to him and defiling his perfect world.

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