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The Dragonborn Legacy


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Well, I've came up with one lore friendly possibility with the dragon transformation. There has been a few known instances, well, one that I know. Martin Septim was able to become a dragon for only a minute before becoming petrified. So, is the transformation into a dragon possible? Yes, but it takes a tremendous amount of energy to stabilize the form, energy that normal mortals without the Thu'um can't do. Martin was only able to do it through the Amulet of Kings, and even he didn't have said amount of energy that say, a dragon, would have. Yes, he is a dragonborn, but since dragons aren't around during the Third Age, there is no way to harness dragon souls, which would increase the energy of a dragonborn enough to maintain such ability. Now, with dragons returning to the world, there is more of a chance for the dragonborn to maintain the ability.


Its lore friendly in a way of building around the current lore. And even so, I am playing off the fact that there may be lost lore that will be revealed by the dragons, especially during Path of the Dovah. Its much like modern times, where all we know about the past comes from what we find.


Kia Ora


A wee thought here as far as the amulet and dragon blood goes,.. As anybody touted the thought?


As the amulet holds X amount of blood and Martin has no training in the form change, for him it goes horribly wrong.


For one trained and one who has the Y amount of blood or a potion to restore it he can fact make this change without side effects.


The idea here is that for the light Chars they get an exstract from the dragon kills and learn a recpie to make said potion the Dark Chars

could be gifted (at a costmaybe) the exstract byt the darker Greybeards and learn said recpie to make the potion, this potion would work

just like a magicka/health potion but could maybe have a side effect if used to much at once (as di Potions in "The Witcher")


An interesting concept really. I shall look into this.


Anyways, the project is a bit slow, and while I have been working on a script for it, you can just say that we are busy with real life stuff, me with work for example. Don't worry, we haven't forgotten you all.

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Indeed we haven't forgotten - I've been too caught up with college courses and life in general, but now that I'm on my spring break you can expect regular updates.


Hell yeah! Can't wait, welcome back!

Edited by xyks
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I see you guys merged two mods together here? With the Path of the Dovah :) That sounds great. Good luck and have fun with the further development over the breaks and holidays.
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So quick update on my progress:


Despite members being given a task and never seeming to finish let alone report back for progress, I've begun work on the first/second transformation of the new dovah shout as seen below. I'm using the Nightingale armor as a basic human outline as I change the dragon mesh to fit a humanoid form. I've also gotten the entrance terrain to Snowcrag Depths nearly finished and the basic outline of the chasm done and have started on the entrance to the Fallen's main chamber.



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So quick update on my progress:


Despite members being given a task and never seeming to finish let alone report back for progress, I've begun work on the first/second transformation of the new dovah shout as seen below. I'm using the Nightingale armor as a basic human outline as I change the dragon mesh to fit a humanoid form. I've also gotten the entrance terrain to Snowcrag Depths nearly finished and the basic outline of the chasm done and have started on the entrance to the Fallen's main chamber.




I just had a little nerdgasm. I was really looking forward to this transfromation, but this loooks waaaaaay better then what I expected. HUGE step from your sig to this. Big fat kudos to you bro. I am wondering however, am I seeing a tail there ? Did you change your mind and add navigational flight to this form ? I would very much appreciate that :) Anyway that looks really promising!!!


Most importantly: Will this already be in one of your pre-releases?

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I just had a little nerdgasm.


Most importantly: Will this already be in one of your pre-releases?


I'm having nerdgasms just walking around the unfinished dungeon in-game because it's so freaking huge.


Once I get the torch sconces to emit light I'll upload another pre-release alpha.


EDIT: Okay, I went ahead and uploaded my latest ESP - be warned that there is little to no light in the dungeon with the exception of torches and a bonfire.

Edited by Budz42
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Hmmm.... Im enjoying this... Very much... but i have to ask...


Useing a Feral Transformation of an Ancient dragon? or will it your own Colored dragon?


one thinbg i want to do is just perch on a House and watch villagers just scream there heads... while i just sit there doing nothing just minding my own bisness ^.=.^

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