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Okay so it seems whenever I start Skyrim everything is okay until it gets past the logos. When it starts there are stretched out textures and crap like that all over the screen and all I see is that and I hear the first dude talking in front of you. Please tell me how to fix.
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Mate unless the forum users who system specs they cant really help you. Could be a Graphics card problem or even a bad install. To be honest saying somethign doesn't work without being able to see what it doesn't work on, i don't knwo if anyone can give any advice.


But saying that, make sure your drivers for your graphics card are upto date at least, you check through steam if thats how you bought the game or by going to your grpahics cards website.

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Integrated GPU's on some laptops may be good enough to watch movies, doing the net, etc, but may not be able to handle graphic intensive games such as Skyrim. Intel GPU's in particular are not usually suited for game play anyway. While you cite some games you have played, they may not have required the processing that this game does. I have heard of this issue many times before regarding Intel integrated graphics. The only thing I could suggest in your case is to lower the video settings as far as you can and see what happens. To add to this, your Intel GPU is also sharing memory with your laptop and that could be an issue as well.


You might want to do a search and see if others are having any issues with integrated Intel GPU's with this game. I Hope you find a solution, good luck. :unsure:

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