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My Oblivion is crashing and I have no idea why

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I don't know anything about modding Oblivion, the only experience I had was downloading modpacks, though I didn't really like any of the ones that I got because they changed way too much and the game lagged like hell. Because of that, I decided to try installing a couple of mods, installed the game with the DLCs and everything worked fine. Then I added some mods and now my game freezes on the loading screen while using 25% of my CPU. I gave it a few minutes, nothing changed, so I had to kill the process in the task manager. Installed BOSS and Wyre Bash, they don't seem to show any errors. I have no clue why I can't launch my game, I don't even have that many mods installed.


Loading order:




(am I doing this right?)




I also have Operation Optimization installed though it doesn't show up in this list, probably not the problem though as I just tried uninstalling it and my game still doesn't work.


I have no clue what I'm doing, somebody please help me

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Easiest way to troubleshoot is do one thing at a time and test thoroughly in between. Sounds like to the most part you did that, except perhaps after you got the game plus DLCs working.


If you look through the Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) mod comments you'll see I've outlined troubleshooting steps there quite a few times in the past. Same goes for Blockhead (and for OCO v2).


Get the base game + DLCs working again, then install OBSE and confirm it's working. Next install Blockhead and confirm it's working and finally get OCO v2 installed and working. Note the install instructions in OCO v2 regarding if you are going to use any of the supported body replacers.


Once you have the base game + DLCs + OCO v2 working install one of your other mods (Immersive Weapons, Better Dungeons or Oblivion XP). When you do one thing to a working game and then it stops working it's a trivial matter to figure out where to start troubleshooting.


When using BOSS and Wrye Bash the order is always the same ... install a mod, run BOSS from the Wrye Bash interface and then rebuild your bashed patch. Then test thoroughly.

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Thank you! I did just what you told me to do, and as it turns out, the game crashing was because of the Battlehorn Castle DLC patch... for some reason. Out of all the things I installed I never suspected that to be the problematic mod. Any idea why that is happening? Also, for some reason I don't have my BOSS button in the Wyre Bash interface. How do I get it in there?

Edited by Goodwarrior12345
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As far as I know Wrye Bash should detect BOSS after you have it installed. The BOSS icon should appear in the lower left of the WB window. Look in your Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder for the two WB readmes ... Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html. Most everything I know about WB I've learned from those two files.


I don't see anything obvious concerning your Battlehorn patch ... perhaps you got a corrupt download. Try downloading it again and relacing it with the fresh download. Many of the DLCs don't like being cleaned (even those the BOSS report recommends it). I peronally only clean what is absolutely necessary (but there are also those who recommend cleaning eveything and anything).


If Operation Optimization is what I think it is it could be at fault too ... some stuff works better without any "help".


- Edit - Operation Optimization isn't what I thought it might be, but I'd still leave it off your list until you get more of your "base install" completed and have a better idea of how your machine handles the modded game.

Edited by Striker879
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