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Depth of Field settings


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I'm using SkyRealism's vibrant enb preset. I'm enjoying it so far, but the depth of field has been bothering me. I can't focus on the distant landscape at all, and if I try to look at myself in third person, the nature of the camera won't let me focus on my character. (I had to turn off the enb the whole time I was in character creation)


I'm looking for ways to modify the DoF to my liking, so can anyone give me the (layman's) rundown on how to change the settings? I know to look in the enbeffectprepass.fx, but I don't really understand what most of the values do, what they will accomplish at either extreme of their range, and how much they could sacrifice performance for visual impact.

Edited by 0rigamiPhoenix
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You can turn off DoF open up the settings and untick the Depth of Field box (Shift+Enter) then save or edit the enbeffect.ini directly - EnableDepthOfField=false under Global settings


If you prefer another enb preset's DoF you can simply drop that on into your skyrim folder and overwrite vibrant's one


If you want to edit the enbeffectprepass.fx... sorry never got around to editing the DoF. Easier to just use another existing one I found.

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