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So I'm a new PC gamer and I'm thoroughly enjoying the modding procedure. However, in trying to mod Skyrim, it seems like only a portion of each mod has installed.

For example, I installed the "Project ENB" mod that overhauls almost everything graphic about the game, but in my activation window for mods it only says something like "Further Dark Dungeons for ENB"

And the texture overhaul mod "The Book of Silence" claims to be activated in NMM, but does not appear in the data files window. I need help getting these mods to work completely.

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So I'm a new PC gamer and I'm thoroughly enjoying the modding procedure. However, in trying to mod Skyrim, it seems like only a portion of each mod has installed.

For example, I installed the "Project ENB" mod that overhauls almost everything graphic about the game, but in my activation window for mods it only says something like "Further Dark Dungeons for ENB"

And the texture overhaul mod "The Book of Silence" claims to be activated in NMM, but does not appear in the data files window. I need help getting these mods to work completely.


Many texture replacers do not come with an .esp that would show up in your data files window (I assume you mean the list of mods plugins that you can click a box or something.) I don't use NMM but it is likely it would keep track that it is a texture replacer and list it as installed, but since there is no .esp then that would not appear as a box you can check on and off. That doesn't mean it isn't working. And the look of the replacer in your game may not look the same as the screenshots as your system set up is different.


Does this help you any? Or did I just confuse you more? lol

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So I'm a new PC gamer and I'm thoroughly enjoying the modding procedure. However, in trying to mod Skyrim, it seems like only a portion of each mod has installed.

For example, I installed the "Project ENB" mod that overhauls almost everything graphic about the game, but in my activation window for mods it only says something like "Further Dark Dungeons for ENB"

And the texture overhaul mod "The Book of Silence" claims to be activated in NMM, but does not appear in the data files window. I need help getting these mods to work completely.


Many texture replacers do not come with an .esp that would show up in your data files window (I assume you mean the list of mods plugins that you can click a box or something.) I don't use NMM but it is likely it would keep track that it is a texture replacer and list it as installed, but since there is no .esp then that would not appear as a box you can check on and off. That doesn't mean it isn't working. And the look of the replacer in your game may not look the same as the screenshots as your system set up is different.


Does this help you any? Or did I just confuse you more? lol


This helps me understand why it isn't showing up. It just doesn't seem like anything that should be modded is, nothing looks different. Thanks for your help

Edited by JarrBear206
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Well I can not say for sure. I think that mod is a texture replacer that makes things more HD and not changes them outright. You can always try installing it again to see. Also I would maybe ask in the mods upload thread to see if you can get any help. If your computer graphics is lower then the look may not be as changed as the pics you see of the mod. Just ask in the thread poliely and see if you can not get some assistance on that specifically. Good luck.

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Not all mods have .esp files (plugins to call it something) that you have to activate. Some are just files you copy to the right place (textures, meshes) others are more complicated, look for instructions in descriptions when in doubt.


- ENBs are not installed like most mods, follow the instructions in its description to the letter. "Further Dark Dungeons for ENB" is a plugin that is part of the enb or it's optionals. But the ENB itself is not just a plugin.


- The Book of Silence is a texture mod (mostly), which means it doesn't have a plugin to activate (unless you use it's content addon which is a plugin)


If you use NMM you shouldn't have any problem, download, activate the mod then in the plugin tab enable any new one that comes with the mod, alter load order if the instructions for the mod say so (or run an automatic load order solution) and finally, run the game.


I'd recommend this beginner tutorial series (more links of the series in its description so open it in youtube):

Edited by FrankFamily
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