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Race change in showracemenu may have broke my vampire's ability to


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First, I need some clarification. Is there any reason why a vampire would NOT be able to feed on a sleeping person, while stealthed, and undetected? I tried feeding at lvl 3 against a woman at a windmill house and lvl 4 against Gabrielle at the Dark Brotherhood, yet the feed option would not appear.


My powers seem to still be intact after the race switch, as my "weakness to fire" and "resist cold" both scale properly. I also seem to have all my vampire powers, with the exception of a vampire night vision spell (not sure why I lost that and not the others). Townspeople attack me at lvl 4 vampirism properly. I do have a quest companion with me, but since he is prohibited from following me into the Dark Brotherhood compound, he shouldn't be an issue. My skin complexion does not change at all, but I've heard that's common for showracemenu, so I'm not surprised.


Anyways, my character is stuck - I'm a vampire who can't feed. Has anyone had this issue?


I may be better off curing myself from vampirism and getting it back again to refresh things. Does anyone know any console codes to cheat this process?

Edited by davidx4
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I've had this issue as well.



Prior to contracting Vampirism, I used showracemenu.


Now, when approaching a sleeping person, feeding/stealing is not an option. My stealth skill is high enough and therefore my victims do not awaken when I approach.



I may just have to resort to reverting to an old game save to correct the issue.

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When you become a vampire, it actually switches your race to a vampire version of your regular race in order to apply the appearance changes and add the feed and vampire sight abilities. Apparently using showracemenu caused this not to happen. To fix it, just use player.setrace nordracevampire (if you're a nord). Just replace nord with your race if you're something else. You can do player.setrace nordrace after that if you don't particularly like the vampire appearance, but you won't be able to feed again.
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Awesome! Thanks IHeart. That did the trick. At first, I didn't think it worked, because when I hovered over the target I did not see a feed command, but what you also have to do is when you pickpocket them, a second window shows up asking whether you want to feed or not. Seems kind of redundant having to use pickpocket, then feed, but whatever.


For some reason, my face isn't changing, but oh well. As long as I can still feed.

Edited by davidx4
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