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Spoiler: Whereafter?


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I figure maybe one of you guys into lore can help me out with my little question.


I got to thinking about it... and just where is my character's soul going to go when she dies?


I'm pretty much bound to a gob of Daedric Lords...


Hircine - because I'm a Werewolf

Sithis - because I'm the Listener

Nocturnal - because I'm a Nightingale

Akatosh - probably? I mean, I am Dragonborn after all...

Azura - she decided I'm her champion...

Molag Bal - decided I was his champion...


And then, I'm also promised a place in Sovengard...

Edited by XunAmarox
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i like to think that being dragonborn exempts you from all these various contracts, and that the daedra lords involved don't know that because it's never happened to them before. not sure what would happen though, but certainly they can't all have a piece :P Edited by WarKirby3333
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btw... Why is Akatosh called Alduin by the Nords, and yet... Alduin is...


the main baddie


...in Skyrim?


...and not Akatosh, apparently.


Alduin calls himself "the first born of akatosh" so he is not akatosh, but an powerful offspring.

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