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Geck "Conditions" Not saving/working.


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Hi, tech-illiterate caveman again.


I'm trying to make a companion mod, because I'm an idiot. I managed to get to the part where I save conditions in a script, aaaaaand they don't save or appear. The only 'solution' I can seem to find is that I drag some thing to the right, and the conditions are supposed to appear. They do not, nor does there appear to be any thing that I can drag. If anyone can help, great. And by help, I mean hit me with a stick any time I ever get an idea in my head that I can make any sort of mod myself. Or tell me how to make conditions work. Either way, really.

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Invalid scripts won't save. Can you post your script here in code tags?


Conditions are in dialogue, is that what you mean?


I have no clue. And it seems to be working now, even though I've done absolutely nothing differently since the last time I tried, so who the hell knows? (I really need to stop trying to make mods.)

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