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Remove collision from object or make something immoveable?

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Is there a way to remove a non-actor's model collision in game? If not then is there a way to fix something in position so actors can't move it once it's set in place? Something like SetDontMove but for ObjectRefs not actors.

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Just after posting my question I discovered "SetMotionType." It looks like that's the answer so nevermind. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not super familiar with the various methods, but the easiest way I've found so far is to use a pre-existing static object (I use a static lantern) and make it wear the other object's model.


Let's say I want to set a helmet on a shelf and make it static, I'll open the helmet form, in this case ArmorSteelHelmetA. At the top right of the form, under "world model," highlight and copy the file path to the model. Close the form.

Then open the standard, non-snow, static lantern. First right-click the lantern and "duplicate," then double click on the duplicate, to open it. This way, you won't inadvertently change all the lanterns in the game.


In about the middle of that form, next to the model file path, click "edit," and then "edit" again. When you get to the file explorer, instead of choosing folders, look at the bottom where CandleLantern01 is highlighted. Right-click and paste the helmet file path right there, and hit "open." It can be a bit picky at times, but it should show you the helmet instead of the lantern. Hit "OK" twice, save your work, and then you should have a static helmet to drag/drop wherever you want it. Don't forget to change the name to something you can find again.

Edited by thumbincubation
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On the bhkRigidBody (or bodyT), change the object's "Havok Col Filter" from Animstatic to Static. Do it for Havok Col Filter Copy as well.

Then scroll down, find "Motion System", and change it to MO_SYS_BOX_Stabilized and "Quality Type" to MO_QUAL_INVALID.

Once done, in the BSX Flag uncheck "Bit 0" (Enable Havok).

Alternatively, copy over the bhkMoppBvTreeShape(or bhkConvexVerticesShape) from your object into a static's bhkRigidBody.

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